I say "ouch" before i'm even sure it hurt, just in case

I say "ouch" before i'm even sure it hurt, just in case
Hurt words have a way of cutting deep, leaving wounds that may not be visible but are certainly felt. The power of words to inflict pain is often underestimated, yet their impact can be just as damaging as physical harm. This is why many people, myself included, have developed a habit of preemptively saying "ouch" before we are even sure that the words spoken will hurt us.This reflexive response is a defense mechanism, a way of bracing ourselves for the potential sting of hurtful words. By vocalizing our pain before it is even inflicted, we are attempting to shield ourselves from the full force of the verbal assault. It is a way of acknowledging our vulnerability and preparing ourselves for the emotional impact that may follow.
Saying "ouch" before we are even sure it hurt is a form of self-protection, a way of asserting our boundaries and setting limits on what we will allow to penetrate our emotional armor. It is a way of asserting our agency in the face of hurtful words, a reminder that we have the power to control how we respond to the words that are spoken to us.
But this reflexive response also speaks to a deeper truth about the nature of hurt words. Just as physical pain can be felt before the full extent of the injury is known, so too can emotional pain be anticipated before the words that cause it are spoken. Hurtful words have a way of lingering in the air, their impact felt long before they are even uttered.