I Think Quotes

Text Quotes
There are times when I think that the reading that I have done in the past has had no effect except to cloud my mind and make me indecisive (I Think Quotes)
I think of an author as somebody who goes into the marketplace and puts down his rug and says, I will tell you a story, and then he passes the hat (I Think Quotes)
If I didn't have my camera to remind me constantly, I am here to do this, I would eventually have slipped away, I think. I would have forgotten my reason to exist (I Think Quotes)
To tell you the truth - mind, this is strictly between ourselves, please; I shouldn't like your wife to know I said it - the women folk don't understand these things; but between you and me, you know, I think it does a man good to swear (I Think Quotes)
I think it takes some terrible or great event to fuse two people together without inhibition. Without heat or shock, it can't be done. I believe that's why sexual love, which needn't be, is so intensely intertwined with sin (I Think Quotes)
I think taste is a social concept and not an artistic one. I'm willing to show good taste, if I can, in somebody else's living room, but our reading life is too short for a writer to be in any way polite. Since his words enter into another's brain in silence and intimacy, he should be as honest and explicit as we are with ourselves (I Think Quotes)
Museums and bookstores should feel, I think, like vacant lots - places where the demands on us are our own demands, where the spirit can find exercise in unsupervised play (I Think Quotes)
You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. and, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving (I Think Quotes)
Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite. " Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too (I Think Quotes)
What I call middle-class society is any society that becomes rigidified in predetermined forms, forbidding all evolution, all gains, all progress, all discovery. I call middle-class a closed society in which life has no taste, in which the air is tainted, in which ideas and men are corrupt. And I think that a man who takes a stand against this death is in a sense a revolutionary (I Think Quotes)
All that ever holds somebody back, I think, is fear. For a minute I had fear. [Then] I went into the [dressing] room and shot my fear in the face (I Think Quotes)
I'm already crazy. I'm a fearless person. I think it creeps up on you. I don't think it can be stopped. If my destiny is to lose my mind because of fame, then that's my destiny. But my passion still means more than anything (I Think Quotes)
I think people are much the same wherever you go. Some of them good, some of them clever, and some of them with the devil in them (I Think Quotes)
I think there are different kinds of fame. There's fame which is plastic and about paparazzi and money and being rich, and then there's the fame, which is when no one knows who you are but everyone wants to know who you are (I Think Quotes)
Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships (I Think Quotes)
When I look at my old pictures, all I can see is what I used to be but am no longer. I think: What I can see is what I am not (I Think Quotes)
I think it is about life. I think there is always more life than death. Those who lived are always alive for someone. Those who are alive remember life, not death. And when you are dead nothing happens. Death is nothing (I Think Quotes)
When I think back on all the refugee camps I visited, all over the world, the people always asked for the same thing: books. Sometimes even before medicine or shelter - they wanted books for their children. (quoting his mother) (I Think Quotes)
I think it's because it shows that people - or hobbits, as the case may be - can find strength they didn't know they had (I Think Quotes)
I think there are innumerable gods. What we on Earth call God is a little tribal God who has made an awful mess. Certainly forces operating through human consciousness control events (I Think Quotes)
All right. I'm corny. But I think there's just about a-hundred-and-forty-million people in this country that are just as corny as I am (I Think Quotes)
Childishness? I think it's the equivalent of never losing your sense of humor. I mean, there's a certain something that you retain. It's the equivalent of not getting so stuffy that you can't laugh at others (I Think Quotes)
I think what I want Disneyland to be most of all is a happy place - a place where adults and children can experience together some of the wonders of life, of adventure, and feel better because of it (I Think Quotes)
Now, boys, you won't see this operation performed very often and there's a reason for that... You see it has absolutely no medical value. No one knows what the purpose of it originally was or if it had a purpose at all. Personally I think it was a pure artistic creation from the beginning (I Think Quotes)
I do spend a great deal of time alone. I'm not very gregarious. I don't like parties and miscellaneous gatherings with no particular purpose. I think parties are largely a mistake. The bigger they are the more mistaken they are (I Think Quotes)
We're very near a certain point where money doesn't mean anything... They say: How much money is this going to cost? This is really a totally meaningless concept. Money determines less and less our reality. Money is not constant factor, it's simply a process dependent entirely on acceptance for its existence. We already see situations without money, and I think that we're coming closer and closer to it (I Think Quotes)
A doctor is not criticized for describing the manifestations and symptoms of an illness, even though the symptoms may be disgusting. I feel that a writer has the right to the same freedom In fact, I think that the time has come for the line between literature and science, a purely arbitrary line, to be erased (I Think Quotes)
I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time (I Think Quotes)
I think we're a kind of desperation. We're sort of a maddening luxury. The basic and essential human is the woman, and all that we're doing is trying to brighten up the place. That's why all the birds who belong to our sex have prettier feathers - because males have got to try and justify their existence (I Think Quotes)
I think most of the people involved in any art always secretly wonder whether they are really there because they're good or there because they're lucky (I Think Quotes)