I Think Quotes

Text Quotes
I think writers tend to be experience junkies, and I think they also tend to want to be on the outside looking in (I Think Quotes)
Our wrangling lawyers... Are so litigious and busy here on Earth, that I think they will plead their clients' causes hereafter, some of them in hell (I Think Quotes)
I've a problem with the word charity because I think that NGOs, as I prefer calling them, really do take the work of moral and social responsibilities that ought to be taken on by governments (I Think Quotes)
It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly (I Think Quotes)
I think books are like people, in the sense that they'll turn up in your life when you most need them (I Think Quotes)
But I think I would have been happier if the only thing that came out of his mouth was the sound of a turning page (I Think Quotes)
Sometimes I think all I want to find is a mean guy and make him be nice to me. Or maybe a nice guy who's a little bit mean to me. But they're usually too nice too soon or too mean too long (I Think Quotes)
Writing, when properly managed, (as you may be sure I think mine is) is but a different name for conversation (I Think Quotes)
From here on out, there's just reality. I think that's what maturity is: a stoic response to endless reality. But then, what do I know? (I Think Quotes)
My inner world seems largely to consist of three rotating emotions: embarrassment, rage, and tension. Sometimes I feel excited, but I think that's just positive tension (I Think Quotes)
If I think she's hot and it turns out she's a psychopath, then what does that say about me? I'm totally not ready for that kind of therapy (I Think Quotes)
I think the metric by which television is considered liberal is literally based on the metric of liberalism in each person's soul. Peoples' senses of humor tend to go about as far as their ideology (I Think Quotes)
So, let me tell you why I think this thing has caught some attention. It's the gap between what CNBC advertises itself as and what it is. and the help that people need to discern this (I Think Quotes)
Well, I think that as a country, we've drifted away from appreciating the importance of imagination (I Think Quotes)
I thinking gay and straight people use the same putters, it's not a matter of putters but a matter of hole selection (I Think Quotes)
I am incomplete without my work. I am so closely bound to it, so much identified by it, that without it I think I would crumble into dust and drift away (I Think Quotes)
I think luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it. The man who can smile at his breaks and grab his chances gets on (I Think Quotes)
I think you actually get a kick out of being disappointed and under achieving, because it's easier, isn't it? Failure and unhappiness is easier because you can make a joke out of it (I Think Quotes)
As we realize that more and more things have global impact, I think we're going to get people increasingly wanting to get away from a purely national interest (I Think Quotes)
The idea that we can actually have an impact on places more or less instantly, too, by responding in some way or not responding, I think, also makes it true (I Think Quotes)
Then I think the sense of it being one community breaks down; but if you know instantly and respond within twenty four hours, it's a very different sort of situation (I Think Quotes)
Because I think I saw you, yesterday morning when I woke up. I think my eyes worked again, just for a moment, and you were the light I saw (I Think Quotes)
I think visual literacy and media literacy is not without value, but I think plain old fashioned text literacy and mathematical literacy are much more powerful and flexible ways to organize your mind (I Think Quotes)
Okay, well I think the programme is like being screamed at for an hour by a drunk with a strobe light, but like I said (I Think Quotes)
What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose (I Think Quotes)
I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left (I Think Quotes)
I think you're amazing, someone says to someone else, but it doesn't matter who, because they're all amazing really. People are amazing (I Think Quotes)
I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time (I Think Quotes)
I've never cared whether I shock people because I think people shocked by the truth are not deserving of the truth. The truth is something one has to deserve (I Think Quotes)
Sometimes I think the purpose of life is to reconcile us to its eventual loss by wearing us down, by proving, however long it takes, that life isn't all it's cracked up to be (I Think Quotes)