I think the way to change it is to handle issues individually when it's essential to do so

I think the way to change it is to handle issues individually when it's essential to do so
Stephen Harper, the former Prime Minister of Canada, was known for his strong leadership style and his focus on handling issues individually when necessary. Throughout his time in office, Harper made it a priority to address each issue on its own merits, rather than lumping them together or trying to tackle them all at once. This approach allowed him to effectively address complex problems and make meaningful changes in various areas of government.One of the key reasons why Harper believed in handling issues individually was to ensure that each problem received the attention and resources it deserved. By focusing on one issue at a time, Harper was able to delve deep into the root causes of the problem and develop targeted solutions that would have a lasting impact. This approach also allowed him to prioritize the most pressing issues and allocate resources accordingly, rather than spreading them thin across multiple problems.
Harper's focus on handling issues individually also helped him build consensus and support for his policies. By taking the time to thoroughly understand each issue and engage with stakeholders, Harper was able to bring people together around common goals and work towards solutions that were in the best interest of all Canadians. This approach was particularly effective in areas such as economic policy, where Harper was able to implement reforms that boosted Canada's economy and created jobs.