I thought that I was over you, but then you had to go and talk to me

I thought that I was over you, but then you had to go and talk to me
I thought that I was over you. I thought that I had finally moved on from the heartache and the pain that you caused me. I thought that I had finally let go of the memories and the feelings that once consumed me. But then you had to go and talk to me.It was unexpected, to say the least. I had been doing so well, focusing on myself and my own happiness. I had been going out with friends, meeting new people, and trying new things. I had been living my life without you, and it felt good. It felt liberating to finally be free from the weight of our failed relationship.
But then you had to go and talk to me. And just like that, all of the progress that I had made came crashing down around me. All of the walls that I had built up to protect myself from you came tumbling down. All of the feelings that I had buried deep inside resurfaced, threatening to overwhelm me once again.
I tried to ignore you, to brush off your attempts at conversation. I tried to pretend that I didn't care, that I was unaffected by your presence. But deep down, I knew the truth. I knew that I was still not completely over you, that a part of me still longed for the connection that we once shared.
Talking to you brought back a flood of memories - both good and bad. It reminded me of the love that we once had, the laughter and the joy that we shared. But it also reminded me of the pain and the heartbreak, the tears and the sleepless nights.
I thought that I was over you, but then you had to go and talk to me. And now I'm left wondering if I will ever truly be able to move on from you.