I try to keep everyone happy, but sometimes that means not being happy myself

Being Happy QuotesTaken For Granted QuotesUnhappy QuotesUnappreciated QuotesTrying QuotesAbout Myself Quotes
I try to keep everyone happy, but sometimes that means not being happy myself
As a people pleaser, I often find myself in the difficult position of trying to keep everyone around me happy. I go out of my way to accommodate others, to make sure they feel valued and appreciated. I bend over backwards to ensure that their needs are met and their desires are fulfilled. But in doing so, I sometimes neglect my own happiness and well-being.It can be a challenging balancing act, trying to juggle the needs and wants of others while also taking care of myself. I often find myself sacrificing my own happiness in order to maintain harmony in my relationships. I put on a brave face and pretend that everything is fine, even when I am feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
I have come to realize that constantly putting others' needs before my own is not sustainable. It is important to prioritize self-care and set boundaries in order to maintain a healthy balance in my relationships. I have learned that it is okay to say no, to prioritize my own needs and desires, and to take time for myself.
It is a difficult lesson to learn, but I have come to understand that I cannot make everyone happy all the time. It is important to prioritize my own happiness and well-being, even if it means disappointing others. I have learned that true happiness comes from within, and that I cannot rely on others to fulfill me.