I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity

I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, was a man of deep faith and conviction. He believed in the importance of living a life that was focused on spiritual growth and service to others. One of the key principles that guided Wesley's life was his belief that all things should be valued based on their eternal significance.Wesley's famous quote, "I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity," reflects his belief that the true worth of something is not found in its material value or worldly success, but in its eternal impact. For Wesley, the things that truly mattered were those that had lasting significance in the eyes of God.
This belief was central to Wesley's understanding of Christian stewardship. He believed that everything we have – our time, talents, and resources – are gifts from God that should be used in service to others and for the glory of God. Wesley encouraged his followers to live lives of simplicity and generosity, focusing on the needs of others rather than their own desires.
Wesley's emphasis on eternal value also shaped his views on wealth and material possessions. He believed that the pursuit of wealth for its own sake was a distraction from the true purpose of life, which was to love and serve God and others. Instead, Wesley encouraged his followers to use their resources to help those in need and to support the work of the church.