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I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can

I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can Picture Quote #1

I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can

Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, is known for his unwavering dedication to improving and perfecting Linux. In a famous quote, he stated, "I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can." This statement encapsulates Torvalds' singular focus on his own creation and his commitment to constantly refining and enhancing it.

Torvalds' dedication to Linux is evident in the way he approaches his work. He is known for his hands-on involvement in the development of the operating system, regularly reviewing code submissions and providing feedback to contributors. This level of engagement allows him to maintain a high standard of quality for Linux and ensure that it continues to evolve and improve over time.

One of the key reasons why Torvalds is able to concentrate so fully on Linux is because of the open-source nature of the project. Linux is developed collaboratively by a global community of developers who contribute their time and expertise to the project. This decentralized approach allows Torvalds to focus on the big picture of Linux development, while trusting the community to handle the day-to-day tasks of coding and testing.

Torvalds' commitment to Linux has paid off in spades, as the operating system has become one of the most widely used in the world. Linux powers everything from smartphones to supercomputers, and its versatility and stability have made it a favorite among developers and IT professionals.

Despite the success of Linux, Torvalds remains humble and focused on the task at hand. He is not swayed by the competition or distracted by other operating systems. Instead, he continues to pour his energy and expertise into making Linux the best it can be.
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Linus Torvalds Quotes