I want you to promise the Lord that, from tonight, you will not think back, look back, or act back!

I want you to promise the Lord that, from tonight, you will not think back, look back, or act back!
Smith Wigglesworth was a renowned evangelist and preacher known for his powerful faith and miraculous healing ministry. He was a man who believed in the power of God to transform lives and bring about supernatural breakthroughs. One of his famous quotes was, “I want you to promise the Lord that, from tonight, you will not think back, look back, or act back!”This statement encapsulates Wigglesworth’s belief in the importance of moving forward in faith and not dwelling on past mistakes or failures. He understood that holding onto the past could hinder one’s ability to fully embrace the future that God had in store. Wigglesworth believed that God’s grace was sufficient to cover all sins and shortcomings, and that through repentance and faith, one could experience true freedom and transformation.
Wigglesworth’s call to promise the Lord to not think back, look back, or act back was a challenge to his listeners to let go of the past and press on towards the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. He believed that dwelling on past regrets or missed opportunities could rob believers of the joy and peace that comes from walking in obedience to God’s will.
For Wigglesworth, faith was not just a mental assent to certain beliefs, but a lifestyle of radical obedience and trust in God’s promises. He encouraged his followers to step out in faith, believing that God would honor their obedience and bring about miraculous results.