I was making love to my wife the other night, I looked up. She was on the phone

I was making love to my wife the other night, I looked up. She was on the phone
I was making love to my wife the other night, I looked up. She was on the phone. I couldn't believe it. I mean, here I am, trying to show her how much I love her, and she's just chatting away like it's no big deal. I felt like Rodney Dangerfield up there, you know? No respect, no respect at all.I mean, I get it. We live in a world where everyone is constantly connected, always on their phones, always checking their messages. But come on, can't we have just one moment where we're truly present with each other? Is that too much to ask?
I tried to ignore it, to focus on the task at hand. But every time I looked up, there she was, still on the phone. It was like she was in her own little world, completely oblivious to what was happening right in front of her.
I couldn't help but feel a little hurt, a little rejected. I mean, I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, but I was really trying to make an effort here. And to have her just dismiss me like that, well, it stung.
I guess it's just a sign of the times. We're all so consumed with our devices, with our social media, with our constant need for validation and attention. But sometimes, we need to put all that aside and just be with the person we love. To truly connect, to truly be present in the moment.
So, next time I find myself in that situation, I'll make sure to have a little chat with my wife about the importance of being present, of giving each other the respect and attention we deserve. And maybe, just maybe, we can put the phones down and truly make love like we used to.