I wasted my childhood trying to be grown up

I wasted my childhood trying to be grown up
As a child, I always felt the pressure to grow up quickly. I wanted to be taken seriously, to be seen as mature and responsible. I thought that being a grown-up meant having all the answers, being in control of my own life, and not having to rely on anyone else. So, I spent my childhood trying to be something I wasn't - a grown-up.I remember pretending to be interested in adult conversations, nodding along as if I understood what was being said. I would mimic the way adults spoke, using big words and trying to sound knowledgeable. I would try to act older than my years, taking on responsibilities that were far beyond my capabilities.
I wasted so much time trying to be something I wasn't, that I missed out on the joys of childhood. I missed out on playing with my friends, exploring the world around me, and just being carefree. I was so focused on trying to be grown up that I forgot to enjoy being a child.
Looking back now, I realize how foolish I was. Childhood is a precious time that should be cherished and enjoyed. It is a time for innocence, wonder, and discovery. It is a time for making mistakes, learning from them, and growing. It is not a time for trying to be something you're not.
I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to slow down, to enjoy being a child, and to embrace the wonder and magic of childhood. I wish I could tell myself that being a grown-up is not all it's cracked up to be, that there is plenty of time for that later on.
But I can't go back in time. All I can do now is learn from my mistakes and make sure that I don't make the same ones with my own children. I want them to have the childhood that I missed out on - a childhood filled with laughter, play, and imagination. I want them to be able to be children, without feeling the need to rush into adulthood.