I will be attending your party or a better one if it comes up

I will be attending your party or a better one if it comes up
When it comes to party invitations, there are always those guests who like to keep their options open. They may RSVP with a non-committal response like, "I will be attending your party or a better one if it comes up." While this may seem like a flippant or dismissive reply, it actually speaks to a common dilemma that many social butterflies face.For some people, attending parties and social events is a way of life. They thrive on the energy of a crowded room, the buzz of conversation, and the opportunity to meet new people. However, with so many invitations flooding their inbox, it can be difficult to prioritize which events to attend. This is where the phrase "I will be attending your party or a better one if it comes up" comes into play.
By using this phrase, the guest is essentially saying that they value the invitation and would like to attend, but they are also keeping their options open in case something more exciting or appealing comes along. It's not meant to be rude or dismissive, but rather a way of navigating the social scene and making the most of their time.
Of course, this response can be a bit risky. The host may interpret it as a lack of commitment or interest in their event, which could potentially strain the relationship. However, most hosts understand that their guests have busy schedules and competing priorities, and they appreciate any effort to attend.