I would I could not think it: that thought is bounty's foe; being free itself, it thinks all others so

I would I could not think it: that thought is bounty's foe; being free itself, it thinks all others so
The quote “I would I could not think it: that thought is bounty's foe; being free itself, it thinks all others so” is from William Shakespeare’s play “Timon of Athens”. In this play, the character Timon is a wealthy and generous man who lavishes gifts and favors on his friends and acquaintances without a second thought. However, when he falls on hard times and asks for help in return, he is met with ingratitude and betrayal. This quote reflects Timon’s realization that his own thoughts and beliefs about the nature of generosity and friendship have been his downfall.The phrase “I would I could not think it” suggests that Timon wishes he could ignore or suppress the thoughts that have led him to this point. He is acknowledging that his own thoughts and beliefs have been his enemy, causing him to be taken advantage of by those around him. The idea that “thought is bounty’s foe” implies that excessive generosity and kindness can be a weakness when it is not reciprocated or appreciated. Timon’s thoughts have led him to believe that others are as generous and selfless as he is, but he has been proven wrong.
The second part of the quote, “being free itself, it thinks all others so”, further emphasizes Timon’s realization that his own beliefs about generosity and friendship have been misguided. He believed that because he was free with his gifts and favors, others would be the same way. However, he has come to see that not everyone shares his values and that his own thoughts have led him astray.
Overall, this quote from “Timon of Athens” highlights the theme of betrayal and ingratitude in the face of generosity. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of assuming that others will act in the same way that we do, and the consequences of being too trusting and open-handed. Shakespeare’s exploration of these themes through the character of Timon serves as a reminder to be cautious and discerning in our relationships and interactions with others.