Ice Quotes

Text Quotes
Life has evolved to thrive in environments that are extreme only by our limited human standards: in the boiling battery acid of Yellowstone hot springs, in the cracks of permanent ice sheets, in the cooling waters of nuclear reactors, miles beneath the Earth’s crust, in pure salt crystals, and inside the rocks of the dry valleys of Antarctica. (Ice Quotes)
In the Andes and the Alps, I have seen melting glaciers. At both of the Earth’s Poles, I have seen open sea where ice once dominated the horizon. (Ice Quotes)
The Moon stabilizes Earth’s obliquity. Well, almost. The tilt actually varies between 22 and 24.5 degrees - and the variation is enough to induce such environmental inconveniences as the occasional ice age. Without the Moon, it might be much worse. (Ice Quotes)
The easiest time to be funny is during a fairly serious situation. That way you can break the ice. (Ice Quotes)
Passover and Easter are the only Jewish and Christian holidays that move in sync, like the ice skating pairs we saw during the winter Olympics. (Ice Quotes)
Eating ice cream and not exercising is great. The downside is your health isn’t so good. (Ice Quotes)
I don’t think the problem is telling people you’re on a diet. The problem is eating ice cream for breakfast. (Ice Quotes)
I always liked running as a kid. You know how eating chocolate or ice cream makes you feel good? That’s the same way that running and competing makes me feel. (Ice Quotes)
A boxer’s diet should be low in fat and high in proteins and sugar. Therefore you should eat plenty of lean meat, milk, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit and ice cream for sugar. (Ice Quotes)
Scientists use satellites to track weather, map ice sheet melting, detect diseases, show ecosystem change... the list goes on and on. I think nearly every scientific field benefits or could benefit from satellite imagery analysis. (Ice Quotes)
Ice cream is the perfect buffer, because you can do things in a somewhat lighthearted way. Plus, people have an emotional response to ice cream; it’s more than just food. So I think when you combine caring, and eating wonderful food, it’s a very powerful combination. (Ice Quotes)
After I won the Olympics, like any gold medalist, I did feel some emptiness in my heart. I did think about coming back to the ice for a long time. What motivated me is skating is something I am best at and I love the most. So I want to give it one more try. (Ice Quotes)
I taught world history. I understand there was an Ice Age... seasons come and seasons go. I do not believe the world’s going to end because of the 2 percent man-made greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. And even if it were, we’re not going to stop it. (Ice Quotes)
One week I’ll get pancakes at Bongo Room, the next week I go to Kuma’s Corner. But I always end up at Coldstone. I love ice cream. (Ice Quotes)
Wanna lose 1200 Calories a month? Drink a liter of ice water a day. You burn the energy just raising the water to body temp. (Ice Quotes)
You can’t control the opposition, but you can control how you play, your energy level, your intensity on the ice. That’s what we’re going to do. (Ice Quotes)
It was a fun ride. I’ve enjoyed my time on the ice and I’ve enjoyed more and more people getting interested in the game of hockey. (Ice Quotes)
Whether you’re a history buff or a fantasy fan, Druon’s epic will keep you turning pages. This was the original game of thrones. If you like ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, you will love ‘The Accursed Kings’. (Ice Quotes)
I hear from my Inuit and Yupik relatives up north that everything has changed. It’s so hot; there is not enough winter. Animals are confused. Ice is melting. (Ice Quotes)
I’m even afraid to lay down with you at night, because when you go to bed at night, mean woman, you got an ice pick in your hand. (Ice Quotes)
My kids are exhausted every day, and I keep them that way. It’s gym, ice, homework. They’re too tired to get in trouble. (Ice Quotes)
The hardest thing any man can do is to fall down on the ice when it’s slippery, and get up and praise the Lord. (Ice Quotes)
Our globe is under new dramatic environmental pressure: our globe is warming, our ice caps melting, our glaciers receding, our coral is dying, our soils are eroding, our water tables falling, our fisheries are being depleted, our remaining rainforests shrinking. Something is very, very wrong with our eco-system. (Ice Quotes)
I came from nothing and achieved humungous fame and fortune. But I worked hard. I had discipline and determination. I had that ice in me. (Ice Quotes)
Oh wow, you know what’s wrong with all these families on TV? All these kids say stuff no kid would say. Stuff grown-ups want them to say. Man, I’d make a really realistic family. Where kids get spankings. On TV parents say, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t do that ever again. Now you can have ice cream.’ Forget it. (Ice Quotes)
Thinking about the fathomless cruelty with which man has treated his fellow man, but also ice cream. (Ice Quotes)
Greatness is never birth in ice cream shops but in the field of hard work and perseverance (Ice Quotes)
Years ago, I picked up figure skating. How hard could spins and jumps be, I thought? It’s just applied Newtonian physics. After repeatedly falling on my rear end, I realized it was harder than I thought. But it had an upside. That is how I met my wife, who was ice dancing at the Rockefeller Center ice rink. (Ice Quotes)
She’s sun and rain, she’s fire and ice, a little crazy, but it’s nice. And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone, cause she’ll rage like a river then she’ll beg you to forgive her. (Ice Quotes)
Music is my enchanter, the seducer of my emotions, the fire and ice that moves me (Ice Quotes)