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Icicle Quotes

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Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water  (Icicle Quotes) I created an icicle sculpture in the snow. White on white  (Icicle Quotes) What is reality? An icicle forming in fire  (Icicle Quotes) The difference between an icicle and a red hot poker is really much slighter than the difference between truth and falsehood or sense and nonsense; yet it is much more immediately noticeable and much more universally noticed, because the body is more sensitive than the mind  (Icicle Quotes) The hymns were born in the fifteenth or sixteenth century or earlier, and listening to them was like licking an icicle: the same chill, the same purity  (Icicle Quotes) She watched the sun bleed water out of the icicle. Warm and cold working together to make an icicle. Warm and cold anger working together to make a fury, a fury worthy enough to use as a weapon against the old things that still needed fighting  (Icicle Quotes) I am volatile for one, rigid for another, angular as an icicle in silver, or voluptuous as a candle flame in gold.  (Icicle Quotes) I’m glad that life isn’t like a Christmas song, because if my friends and I were building a snowman and it suddenly came alive when we put a hat on it, I’d probably freak and stab it to death with an icicle.  (Icicle Quotes)