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Idealised Quotes

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There are many critics who have an idealised version of where my strengths lie  (Idealised Quotes) The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to an idealised past  (Idealised Quotes) Well, I've had a lot of different experiences in music over the years. and not everything you do can satisfy everybody's idealised version of you  (Idealised Quotes) When you bring an idealised relationship down to the level of an ordinary one it isn’t necessarily the ordinary one that suffers’  (Idealised Quotes) Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealised, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust  (Idealised Quotes) When you bring an idealised relationship down to the level of an ordinary one it isn’t necessarily the ordinary one that suffers’.  (Idealised Quotes) I’ve had a lot of different experiences in music over the years.And not everything you do can satisfy everybody’s idealised version of you.  (Idealised Quotes) Everything in L.A. is - it’s just an easy place to live in. The houses are nice, the backyards are nice, you got the ocean right there and the mountains behind you; there’s an idealised easiness to the way you live and the whole environment.  (Idealised Quotes)