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Idealists Quotes

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We were idealists. We thought that when we got the vote the whole pattern of politics would be greatly improved and would be dominated by women  (Idealists Quotes) Among idealists and visionaries, there is no shortage of good intent, but there’s often a shortage of discipline  (Idealists Quotes) There are no idealists in the plant world and no compassion. The rose and the morning glory know no mercy. Bindweed, the morning glory, will quickly choke its competitors to death, and the fencerow rose will just as quietly crowd out any other plant that tried to share its roothold. Idealism and mercy are human terms and human concepts  (Idealists Quotes) War in the end is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of soldiers by politicians, and of idealists by cynics  (Idealists Quotes) The idealists dream and the dream is told, and the practical men listen and ponder and bring back the truth and apply it to human life, and progress and growth and higher human ideals come into being and so the world moves ever on  (Idealists Quotes) I fear that, in the end, the famous debate among materialists, idealists, and dualists amounts to a merely verbal dispute that is more a matter for the linguist than for the speculative philosopher  (Idealists Quotes) It is curious that Christianity, which is idealism, is sturdily defended by the brokers, and steadily attacked by the idealists  (Idealists Quotes) Idealists and reformers all become executioners in their turn. The road to utopia ends with the steps of the scaffold, the endless moment of the guillotine  (Idealists Quotes) War is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of idealists by cynics and of troops by politicians  (Idealists Quotes)
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