Ideals Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes we are separated by differences, and sometimes we are united by common ideals of respect and compassion (Ideals Quotes)
The Venezuelan people will never abandon the ideals President Chavez gave us. Modestly, we contribute to ensure the stability of the region (Ideals Quotes)
Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication (Ideals Quotes)
But the egoist has no ideals, for the knowledge that his ideals are only his ideals, frees him from their domination. He acts for his own interest, not for the interest of ideals (Ideals Quotes)
But the more an organization succeeds and prospers, the more it is likely to be diverted from its original ideals, principles and purposes (Ideals Quotes)
America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens (Ideals Quotes)
You can’t win integrity and honor from games. You can only earn them from living a life dedicated to those ideals (Ideals Quotes)
Men invent new ideals because they dare not attempt old ideals. They look forward with enthusiasm, because they are afraid to look back (Ideals Quotes)
At times, the most dangerous politicians have been those impelled by dreams and ideals, rather than basic realities (Ideals Quotes)
In homes where high ideals and gospel values are maintained, it is parents, not teachers, who lay the foundation of character and faith in the hearts of their children (Ideals Quotes)
Sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. Perhaps I’ve spent too long in the company of my literary romantic heroes, and consequently my ideals and expectations are far too high (Ideals Quotes)
We do not see faith, hope, and charity as unattainable ideals, but we use them as stout supports of a nation fighting the fight for freedom in a modern civilization (Ideals Quotes)
The man who has his ideals, no matter how thoroughly he may be persuaded to desert them, survives well only so long as he is true to those ideals (Ideals Quotes)
Away with all ideals. Let each individual act spontaneously from the forever incalculable prompting of the creative wellhead within him. There is no universal law (Ideals Quotes)
A fraternity is an association of men, selected in their college days by democratic processes, because of their adherence to common ideals and aspirations (Ideals Quotes)
Know your place in the world and evaluate yourself fairly, not in terms of the naive ideals of your own youth, nor in terms of what you erroneously imagine your teacher’s ideals are (Ideals Quotes)
Those were the ideals that drove us to nationalization of the health service (Ideals Quotes)
In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust, faith, understanding and compassion, many families are turning to the structure, discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools (Ideals Quotes)
Robert Kennedy was such an inspiring figure. His interest in politics seemed to come not from a desire for power, but from a need to help our society live up to its ideals (Ideals Quotes)
There are better ways we can transform this virulent hatred - by living our ideals, the Peace Corps, exchange students, teachers, exporting our music, poetry, blue jeans (Ideals Quotes)
When you stop having dreams and ideals - well, you might as well stop altogether (Ideals Quotes)
Wherever on this planet ideals of personal freedom and dignity apply, there you will find the cultural inheritance of England (Ideals Quotes)
Yale is a crucible in American life for the accommodation of intellectual achievement, of wisdom, of refinement, with the democratic ideals of openness, of social justice and of equal opportunity (Ideals Quotes)
There’s Eddie’s conviction and his lyrics and his ideals, and he can just rock straight out. His vocals are incredible. And we all are really competent musicians (Ideals Quotes)
The Soviet government is the most realistic regime in the world - no ideals (Ideals Quotes)
But recently it seems that each time I vote, I am being asked to compromise my conservative ideals and my commitment to the American taxpayer simply for the benefit of political gain (Ideals Quotes)
To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals - this alone is worth the struggle (Ideals Quotes)
I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching (Ideals Quotes)
I think it’s really terrifying that a country based on the foundations and ideals of God, is now systematically removing God from everything. Everything! (Ideals Quotes)
But, gentlemen, can any of us say that as a result of such overwhelming sacrifices of money, of men, of ideals, and of civil dignity the sense of security has indeed been attained (Ideals Quotes)