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Ideas Quotes

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Good ideas are the backbone of good government  (Ideas Quotes) Try out your ideas by visualizing them in action  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas are the root of creation  (Ideas Quotes) Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king  (Ideas Quotes) Good ideas are often murdered by better ones  (Ideas Quotes) I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products  (Ideas Quotes) I have no inflated ideas about success anyway  (Ideas Quotes) All good ideas arrive by chance  (Ideas Quotes) I’m always working on concepts and ideas for the future  (Ideas Quotes) I just happened to start playing music for the conceptual ideas  (Ideas Quotes) You have to work with the ideas and give them a little push  (Ideas Quotes) The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas  (Ideas Quotes) You get ideas from other people all the time  (Ideas Quotes) Beware of people carrying ideas. Beware of ideas carrying people  (Ideas Quotes) There are no original ideas. There are only original people  (Ideas Quotes) I’ve definitely had ideas and plans that sometimes exceed my means and capabilities  (Ideas Quotes) Good ideas are a dime a dozen, bad ones are free  (Ideas Quotes) The older ideas are rendering more and more bland music  (Ideas Quotes) All ideas grow out of other ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Sometimes I have these abstract ideas and then lose track of myself  (Ideas Quotes) Perfection spawns doctrines, dictators and totalitarian ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Usage is like oxygen for ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The best of ideas is hurt by uncritical acceptance and thrives on critical examination  (Ideas Quotes) Rock is much more malleable than ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Mortal danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas  (Ideas Quotes) People are more interested in ideas than dress  (Ideas Quotes) I put my ideas into practice. That may be the reason people hate me  (Ideas Quotes) I wanted more in depth ideas about the character and it never came  (Ideas Quotes) You shouldn’t be a prisoner of your own ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas, like large rivers, never have just one source  (Ideas Quotes)
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