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Ideas Quotes

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She never lets ideas interrupt the easy flow of her conversation  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas can be willed, and the imagination is their engine  (Ideas Quotes) Creativity in life is about saying yes to new ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The only antidote to dangerous ideas is strong alternatives vigorously advocated  (Ideas Quotes) Good ideas, like good pickles, are crisp, enduring, and devilishly hard to make  (Ideas Quotes) Society goes on and on and on. It is the same with ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I never started from ideas but always from character  (Ideas Quotes) Pedagogy, like language itself, can either liberate or imprison ideas, inspire of suffocate constructive thinking  (Ideas Quotes) A camera has interesting ideas of its own  (Ideas Quotes) Keep an idea log where you write everything down, even the bad ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Things that annoy me end up fuelling my ideas  (Ideas Quotes) While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The future is built on the flow of new ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The most exciting business ideas fit on the back of an airplane napkin  (Ideas Quotes) The ideas within this philosophy are certainly not exclusive to any writer  (Ideas Quotes) Women are never at ease when they have ideas  (Ideas Quotes) In the land of ideas, you are always renting  (Ideas Quotes) Bookshops are infested with ideas. Books are quivering, murmuring creatures  (Ideas Quotes) Everybody has their own opinion and own ideas of what beauty is  (Ideas Quotes) You can’t come up with ideas if you don’t see first  (Ideas Quotes) Science has often resisted new ideas and fought bitterly to prevent them coming on board  (Ideas Quotes) I have a flood of ideas in my mind. I just follow my vision  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow  (Ideas Quotes) Passions are merely ideas in their initial stage  (Ideas Quotes) I wasn’t really that interested in objects. I was interested in ideas  (Ideas Quotes) New ideas must use old buildings  (Ideas Quotes) The best ideas lose their owners and take on lives of their own  (Ideas Quotes) The clash of ideas is not weakness. Truth reaches its place when tussling with error  (Ideas Quotes) Abstract ideas are the patterns two or more memories have in common  (Ideas Quotes) You wan’t to invent new ideas, not new rules  (Ideas Quotes)
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