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Ideas Quotes

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Don’t be afraid of silly ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Strong minds talk about ideas; weak minds talk about people  (Ideas Quotes) Sense of humor: A thread of illuminated intelligence that links two opposite ideas  (Ideas Quotes) There are no hard times for good ideas  (Ideas Quotes) All the old fellows stole our best ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Do the impossible, because almost everyone has told me my ideas are merely fantasies  (Ideas Quotes) Good ideas and innovations must be driven into existence by courage and patience  (Ideas Quotes) I try to begin working with no preconceived ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Express your ideas with the world  (Ideas Quotes) It’s cool to have instruments lying around because they give you different ideas  (Ideas Quotes) If coming up with ten ideas sounds too hard, then come up with twenty  (Ideas Quotes) We kept the old male ideas of success: power and money. We need new ones!  (Ideas Quotes) The best ideas emerge when very different perspectives meet  (Ideas Quotes) Most ideas that are successful are ludicrously simple  (Ideas Quotes) Because the eye has seen, thoughts are structured upon images and not upon ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Creating is about sharing ideas, sharing aesthetics, sharing what you believe in with other people  (Ideas Quotes) Great thinkers often learn, to their surprise, that new ideas are less than welcome  (Ideas Quotes) I’m very careful not to have ideas, because they’re inaccurate  (Ideas Quotes) Creation occurs when ideas and individuals collide and collude  (Ideas Quotes) In order to change the system, we need to change our ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas emerge from plays, not the other way around  (Ideas Quotes) Creative ideas are often attacked because people oppose change or do not understand new concepts  (Ideas Quotes) There is something fierce and starved about first ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Stick around. I’m full of bad ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization  (Ideas Quotes) There are literally as many ideas as there are organisms  (Ideas Quotes) The secret of not having worries, for me at least, is to have ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The longer I live, the less I trust ideas, the more I trust emotions  (Ideas Quotes) Keep the childlike vision and remain true to your ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The fact that time is ticking should motivate you to take action on your ideas  (Ideas Quotes)
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