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Ideas Quotes

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Don’t burden art with words and ideas. Art comes from a deeper place  (Ideas Quotes) I seek a form of language which will express my ideas for our time  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas come from curiosity  (Ideas Quotes) Life is the application of noble and profound ideas to life  (Ideas Quotes) Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons  (Ideas Quotes) The common man is impelled and controlled by interests; the superior, by ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Men, through the ideas they have, project a field of attention that limits women  (Ideas Quotes) Zen is about breaking out of your ideas and experiencing life and not ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into dark corners  (Ideas Quotes) Where do ideas come from? Ideas come from other ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Most of my ideas just come out funny  (Ideas Quotes) Living with computers gives funny ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas and thoughts and creativity is more of who I am than football  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas grow quickly when watered with the blood of martyrs  (Ideas Quotes) Fiction has always evoked pictures and provoked ideas and sounds in my mind  (Ideas Quotes) New ideas emerge of their own free will if they are allowed to  (Ideas Quotes) Really good ideas are always good beyond what you anticipated originally  (Ideas Quotes) Solitude gives you the ideas and the motivation to make you want to collaborate  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas bubble differently when we’re forced to inquire about the obvious  (Ideas Quotes) Indeed, man only exists insofar as he expresses himself. Music does it in musical ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Certain materials suggest ideas and ways of working  (Ideas Quotes) The whole idea of ideas in art is useless. Only have ideas about form  (Ideas Quotes) Unless our ideas are questioned, they become part of the furniture of eternity  (Ideas Quotes) Whoso shrinks from ideas ends by having nothing but sensations  (Ideas Quotes) Men of ideas vanish when freedom vanishes  (Ideas Quotes) Washington is a place where good ideas go to die  (Ideas Quotes) Suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away  (Ideas Quotes) A person with imprecise ideas can understand little and be of less help to others  (Ideas Quotes) My ideas are all the same but look different  (Ideas Quotes)
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