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I’d rather do comedies that strike at some bigger ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I’ll keep making records until I don’t have more ideas for records  (Ideas Quotes) People need doorways to explore universal religious and ethical ideas  (Ideas Quotes) We need radical thinking, creative ideas, and imagination  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas are more powerful than people  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas without action are worthless  (Ideas Quotes) Colorless green ideas sleep furiously  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas are the source of all things  (Ideas Quotes) Groundbreaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas  (Ideas Quotes) When ideas are young and vulnerable, criticism can be lethal  (Ideas Quotes) Do not worry about the incarnation of ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Great dreams and ideas start from the mind and end outside as goals  (Ideas Quotes) Every man should be capable of all ideas  (Ideas Quotes) We all know our ideas can be crazy, but are they crazy enough  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas are commodity. Execution of them is not  (Ideas Quotes) When circumstances don’t fit our ideas they become our difficulties  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas without execution are hallucinations  (Ideas Quotes) The United States is the only power in history that became great by giving and not by taking. I think the crisis was when the United States had more money than ideas. Money doesn't produce money. Ideas produce money  (Ideas Quotes) The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will  (Ideas Quotes) If it weren’t for received ideas, the publishing industry wouldn’t have any ideas at all  (Ideas Quotes) Aeschylus: It is the compelling power of great thoughts and ideas to engender phrases of equal size  (Ideas Quotes) The secret of Buddhism is to remove all ideas, all concepts, in order for the truth to have a chance to penetrate, to reveal itself  (Ideas Quotes) He was one of those people whose ideas are too lively to be confined in their brains and spill out into the world to the consternation of passers-by. He talked to himself and the expression on his face changed constantly. Within the space of a single moment he looked surprized, insulted, resolute, and angry - emotions which were presumably the consequences of the energetic conversation he was holding with the ideal people inside his head  (Ideas Quotes) Most of Mycroft's ideas were far too dangerous to even think about, much less let loose on a world unprepared for hyper-radical thought  (Ideas Quotes) I visualized myself pulling on my mental thinking cap, jamming it down around my ears as I had taught myself to do. It was a tall, conical wizard's model, covered with chemical equations and formulae: a cornucopia of ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Here in Florida... We have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland - the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine  (Ideas Quotes) Or heritage and ideals, our code and standards - the things we live by and teach our children - are preserved or diminished by how freely we exchange ideas and feelings  (Ideas Quotes) What I call middle-class society is any society that becomes rigidified in predetermined forms, forbidding all evolution, all gains, all progress, all discovery. I call middle-class a closed society in which life has no taste, in which the air is tainted, in which ideas and men are corrupt. And I think that a man who takes a stand against this death is in a sense a revolutionary  (Ideas Quotes) In a life, or a portion of a life illuminated, there's a fullness and a balance that no theory or abstraction can match. Why do people waste so much time on abstraction? The life that is given to us, that we play out, is something that you cannot any more grasp with systems and ideas than you can tame an elephant with tweezers  (Ideas Quotes) Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art  (Ideas Quotes)
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