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I would be more familiar with Janet Jackson than I was with the Teardrop Explodes or Joy Division, because I didn't want to listen to my competitors for fear of nicking ideas off them  (Ideas Quotes) So every day I was surrounded by the beautiful crying forth of the ideas of God, one of which was you  (Ideas Quotes) Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas, I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important  (Ideas Quotes) Only he who handles his ideas lightly is master of his ideas, and only he who is master of his ideas is not enslaved by them  (Ideas Quotes) Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress  (Ideas Quotes) This new consensus seemed so compelling that Ernst Mayr, the dean of modern Darwinians, opened the ashcan of history for a deposit of Geoffrey's ideas about anatomical unity  (Ideas Quotes) Don't be afraid to stumble. Any inventor will tell you that you don't follow a plan far before you strike a snag. If, out of 100 ideas you get one that works, it's enough  (Ideas Quotes) We should have a great many fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves  (Ideas Quotes) Words, in their primary or immediate signification, stand for nothing but the ideas in the mind of him who uses them  (Ideas Quotes) Control over the use of one's ideas really constitutes control over other people's lives; and it is usually used to make their lives more difficult  (Ideas Quotes) Memory is the power to revive again in our minds those ideas which after imprinting have disappeared, or have been laid aside out of sight  (Ideas Quotes) Figured and metaphorical expressions do well to illustrate more abstruse and unfamiliar ideas, which the mind is not yet thoroughly accustomed to  (Ideas Quotes) So every day so every day I was surrounded by the beautiful crying forth of the ideas of God, one of which was you  (Ideas Quotes) I don't think about technique. The ideas dictate everything. You have to be true to that or you're dead  (Ideas Quotes) Don't express your ideas too clearly. Most people think little of what they understand, and venerate what they do not  (Ideas Quotes) If the generous ideas of youth are too often over clouded by the sordid views of after life, that scarcely proves them to be false  (Ideas Quotes) Now is the time to understand that all your ideas of right and wrong were just a child's training wheels to be laid aside when you finally live with veracity and love  (Ideas Quotes) All the political parties alike have their origins in past ideas and not in new ideas - and none more conspicuously so than the Marxists  (Ideas Quotes) The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds  (Ideas Quotes) If you don't let technology help you, if you resist good ideas, you condemn yourself to dinosaurhood  (Ideas Quotes) Politics has become unbelievably and unfortunately way too much about how much money is involved rather than what kind of ideas are involved  (Ideas Quotes) The problem is that the right doesn't need any ideas to govern, but the left can't govern without ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I'm not going to school just for the academics - I wanted to share ideas, to be around people who are passionate about learning  (Ideas Quotes) The wit of language is so miserably inferior to the wit of ideas that it is very deservedly driven out of good company  (Ideas Quotes) I have an all-Japanese design team, and none of them speak English. So it's often funny and surprising how my ideas end up lost in translation  (Ideas Quotes) I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind  (Ideas Quotes) My drawings have been described as pre-intentionalist, meaning that they were finished before the ideas for them had occurred to me. I shall not argue the point  (Ideas Quotes) What are the ideas right now worth betraying? What are the lies we tell ourselves now?  (Ideas Quotes) A good number of works owe their success to the mediocrity of their authors' ideas, which match the mediocrity of those of the general public  (Ideas Quotes) What is responsible for the success of many works is the rapport between the mediocrity of the author's ideas and the mediocrity of the public's  (Ideas Quotes)
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