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To be civilized is to be potentially master of all possible ideas, and that means that one has got beyond being shocked, although one preserves one’s own moral aesthetic preferences  (Ideas Quotes) Occasionally projects just take off unexpectedly, sometimes you can work away at sketches and ideas for years before they are published. There are a number of authors I would be eager to illustrate  (Ideas Quotes) I never take ideas from the headlines. I feel that if a story is good enough, a real story that is, then it’s already been covered by the media, and if it’s not good enough, why would I want to bother with it?  (Ideas Quotes) The hardest thing is the idea. Ideas come from somewhere but as far as we know they come from nowhere  (Ideas Quotes) There are thus great swathes of the past where understanding is more important and reputable than judgement, because the principal actors performed in line with the ideas and values of that time, not of ours  (Ideas Quotes) Most creative work is a process of people passing ideas and inspirations from the past into the future and adding their own creativity along the way  (Ideas Quotes) Thank goodness we don’t live in medieval times, when people fought wars over ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I have no ideas about what the paintings imply about the world. I don’t think that’s a painter’s business. He just paints paintings without a conscious reason  (Ideas Quotes) One likes to think that one anticipates changes in the spaces we inhabit, and our ideas about space  (Ideas Quotes) Research your idea. See if there’s a demand. A lot of people have great ideas, but they don’t know if there’s a need for it. You also have to research your competition  (Ideas Quotes) There are some who are scared by unity and by building a country on the basis of ideas  (Ideas Quotes) We can’t live any more in a world which is based on stuff and not ideas. If you want to live with the world of stuff, were all doomed  (Ideas Quotes) Leaders must pick causes they won’t abandon easily, remain committed despite setbacks, and communicate their big ideas over and over again in every encounter  (Ideas Quotes) Even the highest forms of sacrificial worship present much that is repulsive to modern ideas, and in particular it requires an effort to reconcile our imagination to the bloody ritual which is prominent in almost every religion which has a strong sense of sin  (Ideas Quotes) I get my best ideas in a thunderstorm. I have the power and majesty of nature on my side  (Ideas Quotes) The use of the term art medium is, to say the least, misleading, for it is the artist that creates a work of art not the medium. It is the artist in photography that gives form to content by a distillation of ideas, thought, experience, insight and understanding  (Ideas Quotes) I had no new ideas on the physics we might learn, and I could not compete with the younger generation  (Ideas Quotes) I like rhyme because it is memorable, I like form because having to work to a pattern gives me original ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I’m not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas  (Ideas Quotes) I have a big responsibility to my licenses. All my licenses draw from and take ideas from the runway  (Ideas Quotes) Good acting is about being as natural and calm as possible. These days producers have such definite ideas that you have to be prepared to do whatever they ask  (Ideas Quotes) The world we want to transform has already been worked on by history and is largely hollow. We must nevertheless be inventive enough to change it and build a new world. Take care and do not forget ideas are also weapons  (Ideas Quotes) If you want to have good ideas you must have many ideas. Most of them will be wrong, and what you have to learn is which ones to throw away  (Ideas Quotes) America’s problem is how to free itself from the grip of it’s exhausted ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Authority in science exists to be questioned, since heresy is the spring from which new ideas flow  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied  (Ideas Quotes) Song ideas have come to me in the middle of interviews, in the shower, or while I’m writing another song  (Ideas Quotes) Fact and fiction carry the same intrinsic weight in the marketplace of ideas. Fortunately, reality has no advertising budget  (Ideas Quotes) I never thought I’d be doing poetry books. I never really studied poetry. But the first one I did was after my mother died, and I realized that people sort of think and talk about her style and fashion, but in fact, what made her the person she was was really her love of reading and ideas  (Ideas Quotes) The internet has become such a great tool not just for chefs but for everyone. The net has given everyone the tools to see and almost experience new and different ideas  (Ideas Quotes)
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