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Ideas Quotes

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It’s true that the mind is where all ideas are born, but the body is the tool that translates and expresses those ideas to the wider world. It is nothing but a vehicle for our greater creative purpose but if we don’t give it fuel and keep it in good working order it instead becomes another obstacle to transcend, a physical one, as well as the many million fictitious mental ones that society presents  (Ideas Quotes) How much time have you invested in thinking about strategy? How many options have you considered before the plan was written? How have you ensured that the thinking behind the plan is challenged? How much time do you spend exploring trends, possibilities and cool stuff? How much time is spent playing with ideas, hopes and dreams?  (Ideas Quotes) Writing is for stories to be read, books to be published, poems to be recited, plays to be acted, songs to be sung, newspapers to be shared, letters to be mailed, jokes to be told, notes to be passed, recipes to be cooked, messages to be exchanged, memos to be circulated, announcements to be posted, bills to be collected, posters to be displayed and diaries to be concealed. Writing is for ideas, action, reflection, and experience. It is not for having your ignorance exposed, your sensitivity destroyed, or your ability assessed  (Ideas Quotes) That combination of thought and action defines creative confidence: the ability to come up with new ideas and the courage to try them out  (Ideas Quotes) Big thoughts are fun to romanticize, but it’s many small insights coming together that bring big ideas into the world  (Ideas Quotes) Leaders are active instead of reactive, shaping ideas instead of responding to them. Leaders adopt a personal and active attitude toward goals. The influence a leader exerts in altering moods, evoking images and expectations, and in establishing specific desires and objectives determines the direction an organization takes. The net result of this influence is to change the way people think about what is desirable, possible, and necessary. In other words, leaders are visionaries and managers operate within those established visions  (Ideas Quotes) The most important rule: Do not, I repeat, do not censor yourself in any way. Leave your editorial mind out of the loop. Just let the ideas come pouring out in any way, shape, or form they want to. Do not judge anything  (Ideas Quotes) The key is to put your outrage in a place where you can get it when you need to, but not have it bubble up so much, especially when you’re asked to explain new ideas or explain what you observed two people who share none of your experiences  (Ideas Quotes) Ideas do have consequences in history, yet not because those ideas are inherently truthful or obviously correct but rather because of the way they are embedded in very powerful institutions, networks, interests, and symbols  (Ideas Quotes) The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning the truly good ideas, don’t seem like they’re worth stealing  (Ideas Quotes) Stay as focused as possible and keep simplifying down your ideas till you have something small you can launch quickly and iterate on. Be ruthless in hiring only the best people. Keep fit and try to exercise even in the longest times  (Ideas Quotes) Terrorism really doesn’t strike at physical structures as much as it strikes at ideas, and its main fear is ideas. And cartoonists are particularly effective at distilling ideas  (Ideas Quotes) To make something really great and different and interesting means taking risks and following these ideas in your head  (Ideas Quotes) The key to songwriting is just to be able to observe, and put yourself in situations to be around people, and let those ideas come to you  (Ideas Quotes) The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth  (Ideas Quotes) Don’t wait till you’re older, or in some better job than you have now. Don’t wait for anything. Don’t wait till some magical... idea drops into your lap. That’s not where ideas come from. Go looking for an idea and it’ll show up. Begin now  (Ideas Quotes) Writing a screenplay, for me, is like juggling. It’s like, how many balls can you get in the air at once? All those ideas have to float out there to a certain point, and then they’ll crystallize into a pattern  (Ideas Quotes) Innovative ideas are rarely rejected on their merits; they’re rejected because of how they make people feel. If you forget people’s concerns and feelings when you present an innovation, or neglect to understand their perspectives in your design, you’re setting yourself up to fail  (Ideas Quotes) Books have a vital place in our culture. They are the source of ideas, of stories that engage and stretch the imagination and most importantly, inspire  (Ideas Quotes) Distance yourself from negative people who try to lower your motivation and decrease your ambition. Create space for positive people to come into your life. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you  (Ideas Quotes) Here’s what I believe is sexy at work: being strong and committed and confident, being precisely who you are and in hot pursuit of the goals and ideas you believe in so much they captivate and inspire others  (Ideas Quotes) To explore what it would mean to live fully, sensually alive and passionately on purpose, I have to drop my preconceived ideas of who and what I am  (Ideas Quotes) When I started, they told me I only needed 3 chords and the truth... It turned out I could manage with 2 and some vague ideas  (Ideas Quotes) When you’re glad to be alive, good ideas come. The reason good ideas don’t come today is because we’re all bottled up with greed and anger. We’re mad  (Ideas Quotes) Sustainability is now a big baggy sack in which people throw all kinds of old ideas, hot air and dodgy activities in order to be able to greenwash their products and feel good  (Ideas Quotes) When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life  (Ideas Quotes) It is a critical job of any entrepreneur to maximize creativity, and to build the kind of atmosphere around you that encourages people to have ideas. That means open structures, so that accepted thinking can be challenged  (Ideas Quotes) Our world, so we see and hear on all sides, is drowning in materialism, commercialism, consumerism. But the problem is not really there. What we ordinarily speak of as materialism is a result, not a cause. The root of materialism is a poverty of ideas about the inner and the outer world. Less and less does our contemporary culture have, or even seek, commerce with great ideas, and it is that lack that is weakening the human spirit. This is the essence of materialism. Materialism is a disease of the mind starved for ideas  (Ideas Quotes) My opening line to my students, and a recurring theme in my classes, was that the big design problem isn’t designing a house for your parents or yourself, a museum, or a toaster, or a book, or whatever. The big design problem is designing your life. It’s by the design of your life that you create the backboard off which you bounce all your thoughts and ideas and creativity. You have to decide what it is that you want to do each day  (Ideas Quotes) Reading good books implants good ideas in the mind, develops good aspirations, and leads to the cultivation of good friends  (Ideas Quotes)
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