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Evolution is one of the most powerful and important ideas ever developed in the history of science. Every question it raises leads to new answers, new discoveries, and new smarter questions. The science of evolution is as expansive as nature itself. It is also the most meaningful creation story that humans have ever found  (Ideas Quotes) My ideas were confused. In a peculiar way, the unreality of the outer world appeared to be an extension of my own disturbed state of mind  (Ideas Quotes) It is important to expose yourself to ideas you don’t agree with from time to time. Attend a political rally of a party you do not like  (Ideas Quotes) Creativity arises from a constant churn of ideas, and one of the easiest ways to encourage that fertile froth is to keep your mind engaged with your project. When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly  (Ideas Quotes) To learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating, and strengthening than to learn it merely through the verbal communication of ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Thinking means concentrating on one thing long enough to develop an idea about it. Not learning other people’s ideas, or memorizing a body of information, however much those may sometimes be useful. Developing your own ideas. In short, thinking for yourself  (Ideas Quotes) Creativity is simply the human brain forming new connections between ideas, and we all are engaged in this process every day. The common idea that there are some people who are creative and some who are not is a myth. On some level, we are all artists. We are all creators  (Ideas Quotes) The only people in the world who can change things are those who can sell ideas  (Ideas Quotes) In our discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism... We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability  (Ideas Quotes) Mediocre men often have the most acquired knowledge. It is in the darker. It is in the darker regions of science that great men are recognized; they are marked by ideas which light up phenomena hitherto obscure and carry science forward  (Ideas Quotes) All the big ideas for getting us onto a lower carbon trajectory involve a lot of people doing a lot of work, and that’s been missing from the conversation. This is a great time to go to the next step and ask, well, who’s going to do the work? Who’s going to invest in the new technologies? What are ways to get communities wealth, improved health, and expanded job opportunities out of this improved transition?  (Ideas Quotes) This skin, this hair, all this outside stuff. It isn’t me. It’s just my package. It’s like the wrapper around the sweet; it isn’t the sweet itself. What we really are is all inside the package. All our feelings. All our good moods and bad moods. All our ideas, our cleverness, our love, that’s what a person really is. It’s called a spirit  (Ideas Quotes) Who but a physicist, in the research lab or the corporation, could mix and match multiple ideas, models, technologies from different disciplines and thrive on change and new ideas...?  (Ideas Quotes) How can a modern anthropologist embark upon a generalization with any hope of arriving at a satisfactory conclusion? By thinking of the organizational ideas that are present in any society as a mathematical pattern  (Ideas Quotes) Profound insights arise only in debate, with a possibility of counterargument, only when there is a possibility of expressing not only correct ideas but also dubious ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Men who have excessive faith in their theories or ideas are not only ill prepared for making discoveries; they also make very poor observations. Of necessity, they observe with a preconceived idea, and when they devise an experiment, they can see, in its results,only a confirmation of their theory. In this way they distort observation and often neglect very important facts because they do not further their aim  (Ideas Quotes) The product of mathematics is clarity and understanding. Not theorems, by themselves... In short, mathematics only exists in a living community of mathematicians that spreads understanding and breathes life into ideas both old and new  (Ideas Quotes) The world of ideas is not revealed to us in one stroke; we must both permanently and unceasingly recreate it in our consciousness  (Ideas Quotes) Mathematicians can and do fill in gaps, correct errors, and supply more detail and more careful scholarship when they are called on or motivated to do so. Our system is quite good at producing reliable theorems that can be solidly backed up. It’s just that the reliability does not primarily come from mathematicians formally checking formal arguments; it comes from mathematicians thinking carefully and critically about mathematical ideas  (Ideas Quotes) Having lasted for 4,000 years, the use of nature’s materials to express ideas about nature may be expected to continue. The best garden designs are produced with an awareness of the art, science, history, geography, philosophy, social habits and construction techniques of their period  (Ideas Quotes) Learning astrology is like learning any foreign language. You already have the ideas, concepts, and experiences of your life within you; you are just learning a new language for what you are already experiencing  (Ideas Quotes) Great ideas are fish in a stream. Your pen/pencil is a spear. If you don’t spear them, they’ll swim on by. Be ready  (Ideas Quotes) I wanted to combine science and photography in a sensible, unemotional way. Some people’s ideas of scientific photography is just arty design, something pretty. That was not the idea. The idea was to interpret science sensibly, with good proportion, good balance and good lighting, so we could understand it  (Ideas Quotes) Suffering occurs when your ideas about how things ought to be don’t match how they really are  (Ideas Quotes) Divine symbols which have been given to mankind from time to time speak to that forum of truth which is within our hearts, and waken our consciousness to divine ideas entirely beyond words  (Ideas Quotes) I dislike frontiers, political or intellectual, and I find that ignoring them is an essential catalyst for creative thought. Ideas should flow without hindrance in their natural course  (Ideas Quotes) Induction makes you feel guilty for getting something out of nothing, and it is artificial, but it is one of the greatest ideas of civilization  (Ideas Quotes) Scientists learn about the world in three ways: They analyze statistical patterns in the data, they do experiments, and they learn from the data and ideas of other scientists. The recent studies show that children also learn in these ways  (Ideas Quotes) My ideas for the next collection always happen a couple of months before the show. I have learned to shut up and not bother my assistants with it  (Ideas Quotes) The attackers are the people with bold, innovative ideas, who are trying to disrupt the status quo, and usher in a better way. We need to think out of the box, and be curious, and be willing to take risks  (Ideas Quotes)
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