Ideology Quotes

Text Quotes
Neoconservatism had the philosophy that you go in with a supply-led approach to impose democratic values from the top down. Whereas Islamists and far-right organizations, for decades, have been building demand for their ideology on the grassroots. (Ideology Quotes)
Almost all theological thought is anthropocentric and I just cannot buy into the anthropocentric ideology. Basically we’re a bunch of conceited apes. (Ideology Quotes)
If in all ideology men and their circumstances appear upside-down as in a camera obscura, this phenomenon arises just as much from their historical life-process as the inversion of objects on the retina does from the physical life-process. (Ideology Quotes)
As well as Japanese animation, technology has a huge influence on Japanese society, and also Japanese novels. It’s because before, people tended to think that ideology or religion were the things that actually changed people, but it’s been proven that that’s not the case. Technology has been proven to be the thing that’s actually changing people. So in that sense, it’s become a theme in Japanese culture. (Ideology Quotes)
The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy, maintain its rule with force, but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao. (Ideology Quotes)
ISIS goes after any group that deviates from its extreme ideology, dissident Muslims, for example, or the Yazidis who practice an ancient religion distinct from both Islam and Christianity. (Ideology Quotes)
I think that communism was a major force for violence for more than 100 years, because it was built into its ideology - that progress comes through class struggle, often violent. (Ideology Quotes)
I don’t spend a huge amount of time fixated on climate denial because I don’t think that their objections, though sometimes couched in science, are based in science. I think they’re based in ideology. And I don’t think there’s anything you can do. (Ideology Quotes)
The establishment’s gonna come together to protect themselves regardless of ideology (Ideology Quotes)
I hated the 1960’s feminists, she says. They were dogmatists, you see. In comes ideology, and out goes common sense. This is my experience of life. (Ideology Quotes)
Ideology on which the Kyoto Protocol is based, is a new form of totalitarian ideology, along with Marxism, Communism and socialism. (Ideology Quotes)
When you mention the word ideology, everyone has communism in the back of their minds, which was an entirely well formulated ideology and statement of belief. You read the Communist Manifesto and you know what the core of it is. (Ideology Quotes)
Our ideology is intolerant...and peremptorily demands...the complete transformation of public life to its ideas. (Ideology Quotes)
All right-wing antigovernment rage in America bears a racial component, because liberalism is understood, consciously or unconsciously, as the ideology that steals from hard-working, taxpaying whites and gives the spoils to indolent, grasping blacks. (Ideology Quotes)
Yet the women’s misery is socually invisible. Despite our education and accomplishments, we are expected to keep our mouths shut and accept our infertility treatments as consolation prize. Our jobs are supposed to be our highest priority. We are expected to overlook the connection between our disappointment, the impossible ideology of equality, and the contraception that makes that ideology appear to be possible. (Ideology Quotes)
Following Korzybski , I put things in probabilities, not absolutes ... My only originality lies in applying this zetetic attitude outside the hardest of the hard sciences, physics , to softer sciences and then to non-sciences like politics , ideology , jury verdicts and, of course, conspiracy theory . (Ideology Quotes)
We must openly accept all ideologies and systems as a means of solving humanity’s problems. One country, one nation, one ideology, one system is not sufficient. (Ideology Quotes)
Actual evil probably requires much more creativity, passion, and political ideology than anyone at or near the top of Microsoft seems to possess. (Ideology Quotes)
The decline of violence isn’t a steady inclined plane from an original state of maximal and universal bloodshed. Technology, ideology, and social and cultural changes periodically throw out new forms of violence for humanity to contend with. (Ideology Quotes)
Indeed, as long as a country has a culture a religion an ideology where Islam is dominant it will never be a democracy. (Ideology Quotes)
It’s one thing to break stuff and damage people’s possessions, but when you start aiming at the ideology of America, that’s dangerous comedy. (Ideology Quotes)
It’s impossible to consider living without ideals. However, when ideas lead to ideology, that’s a very dangerous thing. Ideology then leads to creating the image of an enemy, and it leads to the murder and massacre that we’ve seen since the beginning of time. (Ideology Quotes)
Whether one believes in evolution, intelligent design, or Divine Creation, one thing is certain. Since the beginning of history, human beings have been at war with each other, under the pretext of religion, ideology, ethnicity and other reasons. And no civilization has ever willingly given up its most powerful weapons. (Ideology Quotes)
Party and ideology routinely trump institutional interests and responsibilities. Regular order - the set of rules, norms and traditions designed to ensure a fair and transparent process - was the first casualty. The results: No serious deliberation. No meaningful oversight of the executive. A culture of corruption. (Ideology Quotes)
As far as ideology or political beliefs are concerned, countries are very different (Ideology Quotes)
In today’s distorted world of ‘human rights,’ truth takes a back seat to ideology, and false claims - especially those that ‘support’ radical ideologies - persist even after they have been exposed. (Ideology Quotes)
You’ve seen what you’ve seen; you’ve felt what you’ve felt. Ideology is for people who don’t trust their own experiences and perceptions of the world. (Ideology Quotes)
When I first put my hat in the ring, several very tried and true and loyal Democratic activists from our community said, ‘What? She’s not a Democrat. She’s a Republican.’ I took that as a compliment, you know, that people didn’t necessarily know what my ideology might be because I wasn’t driven by that. (Ideology Quotes)
I identify very proudly as a disabled woman. I identify with the crip community. I didn’t invent the word ‘crip’. It’s a political ideology I came to in my late teens and early 20s. (Ideology Quotes)
My hope is that people begin to understand what the fiscal realities are - how economic virtue differs from political virtue - and develop a realization of their individual economic philosophy in comparison to their perceived political ideology. (Ideology Quotes)