Idly Quotes
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Text Quotes
I do not like sitting idly by when something clearly isn't right. I feel... not trapped but something like it, and I don't know what to about (Idly Quotes)
Alone! - that worn - out word, so idly spoken, and so coldly heard; yet all that poets sing and grief hath known of hopes laid waste, knells in that word alone! (Idly Quotes)
And, after a fashion, she herself believed what she was saying. Nevertheless, her nature was much nobler than his; and she know that no man should dare to live idly as the Duke had lived (Idly Quotes)
As in a theatre, the eyes of men, after a well graced actor leaves the stage, are idly bent on him that enters next, thinking his prattle to be tedious (Idly Quotes)
Omission to do what is necessary seals a commission to a blank of danger; and danger, like an ague, subtly taints even then when we sit idly in the sun (Idly Quotes)
Then came the second Amsterdam discovery, although the principle was known elsewhere. Bank deposits...did not need to be left idly in the bank. They could be lent. The bank then got interest. The borrower then had a deposit that he could spend. But the original deposit still stood to the credit of the original depositor. That too could be spent. Money, spendable money, had been created. Let no one rub his or her eyes. It's still being done - every day. The creation of money by a bank is as simple as this, so simple, I've often said, that the mind is slightly repelled (Idly Quotes)
Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen (Idly Quotes)
Many thousands of youth have been deprived of the benefit of education thereby, their morals ruined, and talents irretrievably lost to society, for want of cultivation: while two parties have been idly contending who should bestow it (Idly Quotes)
A society that does not defend itself is doomed. A system that remains passive in the face of attack deserves to go under. Those unwilling to defend freedom will become unfree. To stand idly by is to commit suicide (Idly Quotes)
I would consider all of the legislation which I have supported meaningless if I were to sit idly by, silent, during a period which may go down in history as an era when we permitted the curtailment of our liberties (Idly Quotes)
There is nothing like being left alone again, to walk peacefully with oneself in the woods. To boil one’s coffee and fill one’s pipe, and to think idly and slowly as one does it (Idly Quotes)
My books were always full of ink blots, always stained and covered with smeared sketches and pictures, which one draws idly when his attention wanders from his task (Idly Quotes)
As we sit here and idly chat, there are woman, female human beings, rolling around in strange beds with strange men, and we are making money from that (Idly Quotes)
I had got this far, and was thinking of what to say next, and as my habit is, I was pricking the paper idly with my pen. And I thought how, between one dip of the pen and the next, time goes on, and I hurry, drive myself, and speed toward death. We are always dying. I while I write, you while you read, and others while they listen or stop their ears, they are all dying (Idly Quotes)
Life is not given to us that we might live idly without work. No, our life is a struggle and a journey. Goof should struggle with evil; truth should struggle with falsehood; freedom should struggle with slavery; love should struggle with hatred. Life is movement, a walk along the way of life to the fulfillment of those ideas which illuminate us, both in our intellect and in our hearts, with divine light (Idly Quotes)
When you meet a man, don’t you always idly wonder what he’d be like in bed? I do (Idly Quotes)
Sitting around idly contemplating doesn’t produce much. In work you can discipline your attention, forget about your misery (Idly Quotes)
That old bell, presage of a train, had just sounded through oxford station; and the undergraduates who were waiting there, gay figures in tweed or flannels, moved to the margin of the platform and gazed idly up the line (Idly Quotes)
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