If 180 million people want to be undead, that's their funeral, but I happen to like being alive

If 180 million people want to be undead, that's their funeral, but I happen to like being alive
In the world of e e cummings, where unconventional punctuation and capitalization are the norm, the statement "If 180 million people want to be undead, that's their funeral, but I happen to like being alive" takes on a whole new level of meaning. Cummings was known for his unique style of writing, which often played with syntax and structure to create a sense of freedom and individuality. In this context, the statement can be seen as a rejection of societal norms and a celebration of the individual's right to choose their own path.The idea of being undead can be interpreted in many ways in the context of cummings' work. It could represent a life devoid of passion or creativity, a mere existence without true meaning or purpose. In contrast, being alive in cummings' world is a celebration of the beauty and wonder of the world around us, a recognition of the power of love and connection to others.
The phrase "that's their funeral" suggests a sense of resignation or acceptance of the choices of others, even if they may seem strange or incomprehensible. It reflects cummings' belief in the importance of individual freedom and autonomy, even if it means going against the expectations of society.
But the speaker in this statement is clear in their own preference for life over death. They assert their own agency and autonomy, declaring proudly that they "like being alive." This declaration is a powerful affirmation of the value of life and the joy that can be found in simply existing in the world.
Overall, in the context of e e cummings' work, the statement "If 180 million people want to be undead, that's their funeral, but I happen to like being alive" can be seen as a celebration of individuality, freedom, and the beauty of life itself. It is a reminder to embrace the uniqueness of our own existence and to cherish the moments of joy and connection that make life worth living.