If a man love the labour of any trade apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him

If a man love the labour of any trade apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him
Robert Louis Stevenson, the renowned Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, was a man who truly loved the labor of his trade. His passion for writing was evident in the numerous works he produced throughout his lifetime, including classics such as "Treasure Island," "Kidnapped," and "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." Stevenson's dedication to his craft was unwavering, and he continued to write despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in his personal life.Stevenson's love for writing was not driven by a desire for success or fame, but rather by a deep-seated passion for storytelling and creativity. He once said, "If a man love the labour of any trade apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him." This quote perfectly encapsulates Stevenson's attitude towards his work – he wrote not for the accolades or recognition, but simply because he loved the act of writing itself.
Throughout his career, Stevenson faced criticism and rejection from publishers, struggled with health issues, and dealt with personal tragedies. Despite these obstacles, he never wavered in his commitment to his craft. Stevenson's dedication to writing was a testament to his love for the labor of his trade, and it was this passion that ultimately led to his success as a writer.
Stevenson's works continue to be celebrated and studied to this day, a testament to the enduring impact of his writing. His ability to transport readers to far-off lands, create unforgettable characters, and explore complex themes has solidified his place as one of the greatest writers in literary history.