If I do not speak in a language that can be understood there is little chance for a dialogue

If I do not speak in a language that can be understood there is little chance for a dialogue
In her work, bell hooks emphasizes the importance of effective communication in fostering meaningful dialogue and understanding between individuals. She argues that language plays a crucial role in shaping our interactions with others, and that without a shared language, true dialogue becomes nearly impossible.Hooks believes that language is not just a tool for communication, but also a reflection of power dynamics and social hierarchies. When individuals speak in a language that is not understood by others, it can create barriers to communication and perpetuate feelings of exclusion and alienation. In this sense, language can be a form of oppression, as those who do not speak the dominant language are often marginalized and silenced.
Hooks also highlights the role of language in shaping our perceptions of reality and influencing our beliefs and values. When we are unable to communicate effectively with others, we are limited in our ability to exchange ideas, challenge assumptions, and engage in critical thinking. Without a shared language, we are unable to engage in meaningful dialogue and bridge the gaps that separate us from one another.