If ill thoughts at any time enter into the mind of a good man, he doth not roll them under his tongue as a sweet morsel

If ill thoughts at any time enter into the mind of a good man, he doth not roll them under his tongue as a sweet morsel
Matthew Henry was a renowned English commentator on the Bible and a Presbyterian minister. His works are highly regarded for their insightful and practical interpretations of scripture. One of his famous quotes is, “If ill thoughts at any time enter into the mind of a good man, he doth not roll them under his tongue as a sweet morsel.” This quote reflects Henry’s belief in the importance of maintaining a pure and virtuous mind.In the context of Matthew Henry’s teachings, this quote emphasizes the idea that a person of good character will not dwell on negative or sinful thoughts. Instead, they will reject such thoughts and strive to focus on positive and uplifting thoughts. Henry believed that the mind is a powerful tool that can shape a person’s actions and character. Therefore, it is essential to guard the mind against negative influences and cultivate a mindset that is aligned with God’s will.
The imagery of rolling ill thoughts under one’s tongue as a sweet morsel is particularly striking. It suggests a deliberate and indulgent relishing of negative thoughts, which can lead to sinful actions. Henry warns against this temptation and encourages his readers to resist the allure of sinful thoughts. By rejecting such thoughts and focusing on what is good and pure, a person can cultivate a virtuous character and live a life that is pleasing to God.
This quote also highlights the importance of self-discipline and mindfulness in maintaining a pure mind. It is easy to be swayed by negative thoughts and emotions, but a person of good character will exercise self-control and choose to dwell on what is good and true. By being vigilant and intentional about the thoughts that enter the mind, one can guard against the corruption of the heart and live a life that is in accordance with God’s teachings.