If you can change things, change them, but don't waste time worrying about things you can't change

You Can QuotesChange Things QuotesWaste Time QuotesDon't Waste Time QuotesCan't Change QuotesCate Tiernan Quotes
If you can change things, change them, but don't waste time worrying about things you can't change
Cate Tiernan is a renowned author known for her captivating young adult fiction novels, particularly her popular Sweep series. In her works, she often explores themes of magic, self-discovery, and the power of choice. One of the recurring themes in Tiernan's writing is the idea of embracing change and focusing on what can be controlled rather than worrying about the things that are beyond one's influence.The quote "If you can change things, change them, but don't waste time worrying about things you can't change" perfectly encapsulates this philosophy. Tiernan's characters often face challenges and obstacles that seem insurmountable, but through their own agency and determination, they are able to effect change in their lives and the world around them.