If you have never lost your sanity, then you have never been in love

If you have never lost your sanity, then you have never been in love
The idea that one must lose their sanity in order to truly experience love is a concept that has been explored in literature, art, and philosophy for centuries. The notion suggests that love is such a powerful and all-consuming emotion that it has the ability to drive individuals to the brink of madness. While this may seem like a dramatic and exaggerated statement, there is some truth to the idea that love can push people to their limits and challenge their sense of rationality.When we think of sanity, we often associate it with a state of mental stability and clarity. It is the ability to think and act in a rational and logical manner, free from delusions or irrational thoughts. However, when it comes to love, these notions of sanity can be thrown out the window. Love has the power to make us act in ways that are completely out of character, to make decisions that defy all logic and reason.
In the throes of love, our emotions can become so overwhelming that they cloud our judgment and distort our perception of reality. We may find ourselves doing things that we never thought possible, taking risks that we would never have considered, and making sacrifices that we never thought we were capable of. Love has the ability to consume us entirely, to become the driving force behind every thought and action.