If you have to explain about how something's supposed to feel, it takes away all the magic

If you have to explain about how something's supposed to feel, it takes away all the magic
Susane Colasanti is a renowned young adult author known for her heartfelt and relatable stories about love, friendship, and self-discovery. One of the recurring themes in her novels is the idea that true magic lies in the unspoken moments and emotions that can't be easily explained or put into words. In her books, characters often struggle with articulating their feelings, but ultimately find that the most powerful connections are those that transcend language and logic.Colasanti's quote, "If you have to explain about how something's supposed to feel, it takes away all the magic," encapsulates this sentiment perfectly. It speaks to the idea that some things in life are meant to be felt and experienced on a deeper, more intuitive level, rather than dissected and analyzed. When we try to explain or rationalize our emotions, we risk losing the raw, unfiltered essence of what makes them special and unique.