If you meant everything you told me, why did you let me go?

If you meant everything you told me, why did you let me go?
Letting go of someone you care about is never easy. It can be even more difficult when you are left wondering why they let you go, especially if they had previously expressed their love and commitment to you. The question, "If you meant everything you told me, why did you let me go?" is one that can haunt you long after the relationship has ended.When someone tells you they love you, that they want to be with you forever, and that they will never leave you, it is natural to believe them. You trust in their words and in the promises they make to you. So when they suddenly decide to let you go, it can be incredibly confusing and hurtful. You may find yourself questioning everything they ever said to you, wondering if it was all just a lie.
It is important to remember that people's feelings can change. Just because someone once loved you and promised to never leave you, does not mean that those feelings will last forever. People grow and evolve, and sometimes they realize that they are no longer happy in a relationship. It may be that the person who let you go truly did mean everything they told you at the time, but circumstances changed and they felt it was best to part ways.
It is also possible that the person who let you go was not being completely honest with you. They may have said things they thought you wanted to hear, or they may have been unsure of their own feelings. In this case, it is important to remember that their actions speak louder than their words. If they were not willing to work through any issues in the relationship and instead chose to let you go, then perhaps their words were not as genuine as they seemed.
Ultimately, it is important to focus on yourself and your own healing after a breakup. It is natural to want answers and closure, but sometimes you may never get them. It is important to accept that the relationship is over and to move forward with your life, knowing that you deserve someone who will truly mean everything they tell you.