If you want to ask one question, ask yourself, what are you giving to the universe and only that will be returned

If you want to ask one question, ask yourself, what are you giving to the universe and only that will be returned
Amit Ray, an Indian author and spiritual teacher, is known for his profound teachings on mindfulness, meditation, and self-realization. One of his most famous quotes is, “If you want to ask one question, ask yourself, what are you giving to the universe and only that will be returned.” This quote encapsulates Ray’s belief in the law of karma and the interconnectedness of all beings in the universe.According to Ray, the universe operates on the principle of cause and effect, where every action we take has a corresponding reaction. This is the essence of karma, the universal law of cause and effect that governs our lives. Ray teaches that if we want to receive positive energy, abundance, and blessings from the universe, we must first give these things out into the world. In other words, the energy we put out into the universe is the energy that will be returned to us.
This concept is not just about material possessions or wealth, but also about the energy we emit through our thoughts, words, and actions. Ray emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive qualities such as love, compassion, kindness, and generosity in order to attract similar energies back into our lives. By being mindful of our intentions and actions, we can create a positive ripple effect that benefits not only ourselves but also those around us.
Ray’s teachings also highlight the interconnectedness of all beings in the universe. He believes that we are all part of a larger cosmic web of energy, and that our actions have a direct impact on the world around us. By being conscious of the energy we are putting out into the universe, we can contribute to the greater good and create a more harmonious and balanced world.