If you would know Christ at all, you must go to Him as a sinful man, or you are shut out from Him altogether

If you would know Christ at all, you must go to Him as a sinful man, or you are shut out from Him altogether
Alexander Maclaren was a prominent Scottish preacher and Bible scholar who lived in the 19th century. He was known for his deep understanding of the Scriptures and his ability to communicate the message of Christ in a powerful and compelling way. One of the key themes that Maclaren often emphasized in his sermons was the idea that in order to truly know Christ, one must come to Him as a sinful man.Maclaren believed that the essence of Christianity was the recognition of one's own sinfulness and the need for redemption through Christ. He often quoted the words of Jesus, who said, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Maclaren understood that it was only when a person acknowledged their own sinfulness and their need for a Savior that they could truly experience the grace and forgiveness of Christ.
Maclaren's emphasis on the importance of coming to Christ as a sinful man was rooted in his understanding of the nature of God's grace. He believed that God's grace was freely available to all who would humble themselves and admit their need for forgiveness. Maclaren often spoke of the parable of the prodigal son, who returned to his father in humility and repentance, and was welcomed with open arms. Maclaren saw this parable as a powerful illustration of the way in which God welcomes sinners who come to Him with contrite hearts.
Maclaren's message of coming to Christ as a sinful man was not meant to discourage or condemn, but rather to offer hope and redemption to all who would receive it. He believed that no one was beyond the reach of God's grace, no matter how far they had strayed or how deep their sin. Maclaren's words continue to resonate with believers today, reminding them of the importance of humility, repentance, and faith in Christ as the only way to true salvation.