If your ministry has become focused on the already convinced, I'll bet that your ministry doesn't have it

If your ministry has become focused on the already convinced, I'll bet that your ministry doesn't have it
Craig Groeschel is a well-known pastor, author, and speaker who has had a significant impact on the world of ministry. He is the founder and senior pastor of Life.Church, one of the largest and most innovative churches in the United States. Groeschel is known for his practical and relevant teaching style, as well as his emphasis on reaching the lost and making disciples.One of Groeschel's key teachings is the importance of reaching out to those who are not yet believers, rather than just focusing on those who are already part of the church. He often emphasizes the need for churches to be outward-focused, rather than inward-focused, in order to fulfill the Great Commission and make a real impact in the world.
In one of his famous quotes, Groeschel said, “If your ministry has become focused on the already convinced, I'll bet that your ministry doesn't have it.” This statement highlights the danger of becoming complacent and comfortable in ministry, and failing to reach out to those who are in need of the gospel.
Groeschel's words serve as a powerful reminder that the mission of the church is to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations. This requires a willingness to step out of our comfort zones and engage with people who may not look like us, think like us, or believe like us. It means being willing to take risks, make sacrifices, and be bold in sharing the message of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard it.
Groeschel's own ministry at Life.Church is a shining example of what it looks like to be outward-focused and mission-driven. The church has a strong emphasis on reaching the lost, both locally and globally, through innovative strategies and creative approaches to ministry. Life.Church has been at the forefront of using technology and media to spread the gospel, and has seen incredible growth and impact as a result.