Illnesses Quotes

Text Quotes
I support Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles through Disney Channel and Britti Cares International in support of children with various diseases and illnesses and donate my time with pride and dignity. (Illnesses Quotes)
I have known healthy, wealthy people who were depressed, and people with critical illnesses who could honestly attest to joy. (Illnesses Quotes)
I know that some things are beyond our control, some illnesses are beyond our control, we get sick, we don’t know why. But let’s pledge to do whatever we can to avoid those high medical bills. (Illnesses Quotes)
My family kept its history to itself. On the plus side, I didn’t have to hear nightmarish stories about the Holocaust, the pogroms, terrible illnesses, painful deaths. My elderly parents never even spoke about their ailments. (Illnesses Quotes)
Haemophilia itself is bad enough. It is disabling day by day, even if far less incapacitating than in the 19th and early 20th centuries. But the added burden of life-threatening further illnesses from contaminated NHS blood is far worse. (Illnesses Quotes)
The food you eat is among the most significant factors affecting your genes and pushing them toward cancer by causing mutation or disruption in their function. That is, what you eat can either prevent cancer and other chronic illnesses or help cause them. (Illnesses Quotes)
I had a series of childhood illnesses... scarlet fever.... pneumonia.... Polio. I walked with braces until I was at least nine years old. My life wasn’t like the average person who grew up and decided to enter the world of sports. (Illnesses Quotes)
The numbers matter: underreporting of Lyme disease obscures the true burden of the illnesses, on individuals as well as on health-care systems. It also makes it harder to convince Congress to fund research. (Illnesses Quotes)
I think that there are cancers of the body, but I think they are what I would call cancer of the emotional system, too. These are the kind of diseases or illnesses or sicknesses of the emotional system that are as incurable as cancer. (Illnesses Quotes)
The difference between a healthy person and one who is mentally ill is the fact that the healthy one has all the mental illnesses, and the mentally ill person has only one. (Illnesses Quotes)
A lot of healing is in the mind. I’m not talking about serious illnesses like cancer. I’m talking about ordinary broken bones. Healing begins in the head. You have to convince yourself you can do it. (Illnesses Quotes)
We are a conspiracy of hope and we are pressing back against the strong tide of oppression which for centuries has been the legacy of those of us who are labelled with mental illness. We are refusing to reduce human beings to illnesses (Illnesses Quotes)
People need to pay attention to their bodies and go get a checkup. If you do that, you have a chance to help illnesses from getting even worse (Illnesses Quotes)
All illnesses have some heredity contribution. It’s been said that genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger (Illnesses Quotes)
We have to get the word out that mental illnesses can be diagnosed and treated, and almost everyone suffering from mental illness can live meaningful lives in their communities (Illnesses Quotes)
Materialism has cast man into such depths that a mighty concentration of forces is necessary to raise him again. He is subject to illnesses of the nervous system which are veritable epidemics of the life of the soul (Illnesses Quotes)
Sometimes the lack of substantive freedoms relates directly to economic poverty, which robs people of the freedom to satisfy hunger; or to achieve sufficient nutrition, or to obtain remedies for treatable illnesses or the opportunity to be adequatley clothed or sheltered, or to enjoy clean water or sanitary facilities (Illnesses Quotes)
The secret of good health and happiness is to have rather small illnesses throughout your life which you can rely on to stop you doing anything you don’t want to do (Illnesses Quotes)
We may never understand illnesses such as cancer. In fact, we may never cure it. But an ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure (Illnesses Quotes)
Now, why is it that most of us can talk openly about the illnesses of our bodies, but when it comes to our brain and illnesses of the mind we clam up and because we clam up, people with emotional disorders feel ashamed, stigmatized, and don’t seek the help that can make the difference (Illnesses Quotes)
Mood disorders are terribly painful illnesses, and they are isolating illnesses. And they make people feel terrible about themselves when, in fact, they can be treated (Illnesses Quotes)
I had a series of childhood illnesses... scarlet fever... pneumonia... Polio. I walked with braces until I was at least nine years old. My life wasn’t like the average person who grew up and decided to enter the world of sports (Illnesses Quotes)
As much success came to him, my father stayed true to his promise. He built the hospital to help the most helpless children with catastrophic illnesses (Illnesses Quotes)
Just like other illnesses, depression can be treated so that people can live happy, active lives (Illnesses Quotes)
The difference between a healthy person and one who is mentally ill is the fact that the healthy one has all the mentall illnesses, and the mentally ill person has only one (Illnesses Quotes)
Once my doctor began treating my kidney disease, my greatest challenge was the constant exhaustion. Fortunately, my doctor explained that anemia was causing my exhaustion and that people with serious illnesses, like kidney disease, may be at increased risk for anemia (Illnesses Quotes)
To go to hospitals and see people fight and overcome cystic fibrosis or cancer or any number of illnesses is to see courage that is humbling. And athletes constantly need to be humbled (Illnesses Quotes)
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses (Illnesses Quotes)
Mental illnesses are so strange. A physical problem we can understand. But when the mind works irrationally, well, by its very definition, the rational mind cannot truly relate (Illnesses Quotes)
I feel like 45. I don’t look bad for someone my age, with my history of illnesses and operations and all those anesthetics. When they knock you out, it gives you time to catch up on your beauty sleep (Illnesses Quotes)