I'm a gangster, and gangsters don't ask questions

I'm a gangster, and gangsters don't ask questions
As a gangster, there are certain rules and codes that one must abide by in order to survive and thrive in the criminal underworld. One of the most important rules is to never ask questions. This may seem counterintuitive to some, as asking questions is often seen as a sign of intelligence and curiosity. However, in the world of gangsters, asking questions can be a sign of weakness and vulnerability.Gangsters operate in a world where trust is scarce and betrayal is common. In order to protect themselves and their operations, gangsters must maintain a facade of strength and invincibility. Asking questions can be seen as a sign of doubt or uncertainty, which can be exploited by rivals or enemies looking to gain an advantage.
Furthermore, asking questions can also be seen as a sign of disrespect. In the world of gangsters, hierarchy and authority are paramount. By questioning orders or decisions, a gangster may be seen as challenging the authority of their superiors, which can have serious consequences.
In addition, asking questions can also be a liability when dealing with law enforcement. Gangsters operate in a world of secrecy and deception, and asking questions can inadvertently reveal information that could be used against them in criminal investigations.
Ultimately, as a gangster, one must learn to trust their instincts and rely on their own judgment. By following the code of not asking questions, a gangster can maintain a sense of control and power in a world where chaos and danger lurk around every corner.