I'm busy saving everybody else, when I can't even save myself

I'm busy saving everybody else, when I can't even save myself
Depression is a debilitating mental illness that can make individuals feel like they are drowning in a sea of despair and hopelessness. It can make them feel like they are constantly fighting a losing battle, struggling to keep their head above water while trying to save everyone else around them. The phrase "I'm busy saving everybody else, when I can't even save myself" perfectly encapsulates the overwhelming burden that individuals with depression often feel.When someone is struggling with depression, they may feel an intense pressure to be there for others, to support them and help them through their own struggles. They may feel like they need to be the strong one, the one who has it all together, even when they are falling apart inside. This can lead to a cycle of self-neglect, as they prioritize the needs of others over their own well-being.