I'm good at platonic. It's my default sexual setting. After nervous

I'm good at platonic. It's my default sexual setting. After nervous
Platonic relationships are often seen as the purest form of connection between two individuals. It is a type of relationship that is based on emotional intimacy, trust, and mutual respect without any romantic or sexual undertones. For some people, including myself, being good at platonic relationships comes naturally. It is my default setting when it comes to connecting with others on a deeper level.I have always found it easier to form platonic relationships with people rather than romantic ones. I am able to establish a strong bond with others based on shared interests, values, and experiences. I value the emotional connection that comes with platonic relationships and I am able to communicate openly and honestly with my friends without any fear of judgment or rejection.
Being good at platonic relationships means that I am able to maintain boundaries and respect the feelings and emotions of others. I am able to provide support, empathy, and understanding to my friends without expecting anything in return. I am a good listener and I am always there for my friends when they need someone to talk to or lean on.
However, despite my proficiency in platonic relationships, I sometimes find myself feeling nervous when it comes to forming romantic connections with others. I struggle with expressing my romantic feelings and I often fear rejection or ruining the friendship that I have with someone. This nervousness can sometimes hold me back from pursuing romantic relationships and I find myself defaulting back to platonic relationships as a way to avoid potential heartache or disappointment.
Overall, being good at platonic relationships is a strength of mine. I value the deep connections that I have with my friends and I am grateful for the emotional support and love that they provide me. While I may struggle with forming romantic connections, I am content with my default setting of platonic relationships and I am confident in the strong bonds that I have with those around me.