I'm pretty sure the fish just jumped out of the water to be with him

I'm pretty sure the fish just jumped out of the water to be with him
The sight of a fish jumping out of the water is not an uncommon occurrence, especially for those who spend a lot of time near bodies of water. However, there are times when the behavior of a fish seems to defy logic and reason, leaving onlookers scratching their heads in wonder. Such was the case when a fish jumped out of the water to be with him.It was a warm summer day, and he had decided to spend some time fishing at his favorite spot by the lake. As he cast his line into the water, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore, the chirping of the birds in the trees, and the rustling of the leaves in the breeze all combined to create a symphony of nature that soothed his soul.
As he waited patiently for a bite, he noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he saw a fish leaping out of the water, its scales glistening in the sunlight. But what caught his attention was the fact that the fish seemed to be heading straight for him. As it landed with a splash at his feet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement.
Was it possible that the fish had jumped out of the water to be with him? It seemed like an absurd notion, but as he looked into the fish's eyes, he felt a connection that he couldn't quite explain. It was as if the fish had chosen him out of all the other fishermen on the lake, drawn to him by some unseen force.
He gently picked up the fish and held it in his hands, marveling at its beauty and grace. As he released it back into the water, he couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was somehow special, a moment of magic in an otherwise ordinary day.
From that day on, whenever he returned to the lake to fish, he would always keep an eye out for that particular fish, hoping to catch another glimpse of its mysterious behavior. And though he never did see it jump out of the water again, he knew in his heart that the fish had indeed chosen him that day, for reasons known only to the creatures of the deep.