I'm sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am

I'm sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am
I'm sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am. It's exhausting to constantly put on a facade and pretend like everything is okay when deep down, I know that I am struggling. The pressure to appear perfect and put together all the time is overwhelming and it's taking a toll on my mental and emotional well-being.I'm tired of pretending like I have it all together when in reality, I am falling apart. I'm tired of plastering a fake smile on my face and pretending like everything is fine when inside, I am crumbling. I'm tired of pretending like I don't have any flaws or weaknesses when in reality, I am full of them.
I'm sick of feeling like I have to hide my true self from the world because I am afraid of being judged or rejected. I'm sick of feeling like I have to constantly live up to unrealistic expectations and standards that society has placed on me. I'm sick of feeling like I have to be someone that I am not just to fit in or be accepted.
I'm tired of feeling like I have to hide my struggles and insecurities from those around me because I am afraid of being seen as weak or vulnerable. I'm tired of feeling like I have to put on a brave face and act like everything is okay when in reality, I am hurting inside.
I'm sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am because the truth is, we are all messy in our own ways. We all have flaws, insecurities, and struggles that make us human. It's okay to not be perfect, it's okay to not have it all together all the time. It's okay to be vulnerable and show our true selves to the world.
So from now on, I am done hiding. I am done pretending. I am done trying to be someone that I am not. I am going to embrace my messiness, my flaws, and my imperfections because that is what makes me who I am. And I am not going to apologize for it anymore.