Image Quotes

Text Quotes
I think my image gets distorted in the public’s mind. They don’t get a clear or full picture of what I’m like, despite the press coverage I mentioned early. Mistruths are printed as fact, in some cases, and frequently only half of a story will be told. The part that doesn’t get printed is often the part that would make the printed part less sensational by shedding light on the facts (Image Quotes)
Perhaps it is even a good idea to stir up a rivalry between conceptual and imaginative activity. In any case, one will encounter nothing but disappointments if he intends to make them cooperate. The image can not provide matter for a concept. By giving stability to the image, the concept would stifle its life (Image Quotes)
He had uttered a mad wish that he himself might remain untarnished, and the face on the canvas bear the burden of his passions and his sins; that the painted image might be seared with the lines of suffering and thought, and that he might keep all the delicate bloom and loveliness of his then just conscious boyhood (Image Quotes)
Unfortunately, they develop a fixed mindset that they’re the most talented, and they think that continued success is a right. Problems arise because pure talent only works as long as the going is easy. Furthermore, they don’t take risks because failure would harm their image of being the best, brightest, and most talented. When they do fail, they deny it or attribute it to anything but their shortcomings (Image Quotes)
The force of a death should be enormous but how can you know what kind of man you’ve killed or who was the braver and stronger if you have to peer through layers of glass that deliver the image but obscure the meaning of the act? War has a conscience or it’s ordinary murder (Image Quotes)
Her kitsch was the image of home, all peace, quiet, and harmony, and ruled by a loving mother and a wise father. It was an image that took shape in her after the death of her parents. The less her life resembled the sweetest of dreams, the more sensitive she was to its magic, and more than once she shed tears when the ungrateful daughter in a sentimental film embraced the neglected father as the windows of the happy family’s house shone out into the dying day (Image Quotes)
There are certain nights you and your image just aren’t in the same bed (Image Quotes)
Image has to be its own fortress, in spite of the owners. People can’t separate that or they don’t comprehend that you can turn that on and off for each one of the different entities (Image Quotes)
There’s a discipline. When you take someone’s portrait, you don’t have to take 50 photographs, just find that one so that when you release the shutter, that’s the image that you took (Image Quotes)
Maybe I’m misjudging people, but I feel like a lot of people still have an image of me in a bonnet at nine years old (Image Quotes)
The paradox of reality is that no image is as compelling as the one which exists only in the mind’s eye (Image Quotes)
In a way, you kind of get caught up in whatever image of yourself you think is out there (Image Quotes)
Most poets, like most people, try hard to be like someone they admire or they are possessed with an image of what they ought to be (Image Quotes)
Therefore, when we arrive in a place and talk to new people about a new image, it is very hard for them to visualize it. That’s where the drawings are very important, because at least we can show a projection of what we believe it will look like (Image Quotes)
I’m now wearing suits on stage, so I’ve kinda stepped up my game as far as image. Which I have to admit is kind of a pain the butt, but it’s fun. It gives you a certain amount of confidence to walk on stage and look nice, but I can’t say that I’m totally buying into the whole image factor (Image Quotes)
I set about seeking a thread, a theme, a style, in the realm of legend. Something that might allow me to give free rein to my juvenile sense of romanticism and the beautiful image (Image Quotes)
I’ve never seen a surface that I think is more seductive in image making (Image Quotes)
So to me it’s very similar in terms of trying to distill within the image, those elements that are gonna form, hopefully, a compelling visual statement (Image Quotes)
Whatever it takes to get the image to reach that level is what that photographer needs to do. And for me, I just have such a love of the tactile and sensuous quality of a black and white silver gelatin print (Image Quotes)
When the object that is produced, the photographic image has the ability to make tears come to your eyes; to inspire you to the point where you have to catch your breath, then nothing else matters (Image Quotes)
The intense campaigns against domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, and inequity in the schools all too often depend on an image of women as weak and victimized (Image Quotes)
My photographs are not planned or composed in advance, and I do not anticipate that the onlooker will share my viewpoint. However, I feel that if my photograph leaves an image on his mind, something has been accomplished (Image Quotes)
For example, the opposition between acute and grave phonemes has the capacity to suggest an image of bright and dark, of pointed and rounded, of thin and thick, of light and heavy, etc (Image Quotes)
If she has a good, strong, reliable father image, which is hard to find these days, that will be her image of men, probably for the rest of her life. She’ll look for a husband who embodies those qualities (Image Quotes)
The whole image thing gets in the way. Then there are the guys that it excites them and it’s what draws them to me. But I don’t know whether they would care for me if I didn’t have this image (Image Quotes)
I don’t know whether these people are going to find themselves, but as they live their lives they have no choice but to face up to the image others have of them. They’re forced to look at themselves in a mirror, and they often manage to glimpse something of themselves (Image Quotes)
Down to the present day the luminous image of democracy has often served as a pretext for the most undemocratic actions (Image Quotes)
I had the image of a spiritual person, but I was bowing down to the idols of religiosity and philosophy (Image Quotes)
I’m intensely private, and I’ve openly shown annoyance at the paparazzi. That’s served in the past to create an image of me where I’m always frowning or looking angry (Image Quotes)
This image of herself as a not ordinary women, an image which was trembling now in his eyes, might suddenly disappear. Nothing more difficult to live up to than men’s dreams (Image Quotes)