Image Quotes

Text Quotes
Adam was the image of God, he was man and woman, and yet neither of them before his Eve, but a masculine virgin in peculiar love, full of chastity and purity. (Image Quotes)
I don’t think you should meet the people you most admire. I don’t want reality to interfere with my image. (Image Quotes)
I suppose women are attracted to the bad-boy image sometimes because it’s fun to have an adventure. It’s like eating junk food... it’s fun at the time, but ultimately not the best choice. (Image Quotes)
I think 2001 was the year Al Jazeera started to play an international role, in a way. Because in 2001, we were the only TV station located inside Kabul, and every image out of the war in Afghanistan, the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, came through Al Jazeera screen. (Image Quotes)
Black Panther is a historic opportunity to be a part of something important and special, particularly at a time when African Americans are affirming their identities while dealing with vilification and dehumanization. The image of a black hero on this scale is just really exciting. (Image Quotes)
Seven years ago, my father and I realized that our relationship was extremely unique, especially in the African-American community. He raised me to not only understand the fundamentals of basketball and to try to be a player with a high basketball IQ, but he wanted me to understand that my image and my name meant more than stats. (Image Quotes)
I do think moms should be given a break, all across the board. And I think that the most important thing is that you’re healthy. After I had my little girl, I wanted to be healthy for her and have a healthy body image so that she hopefully grows up to see that her self worth isn’t defined by how thin she is. (Image Quotes)
America, you’re sending girls a mixed message. On one hand, you’re saying to have positive body image and love who we are; on the other, we’re being marketed makeup and clothing that obviously turns us into someone different. (Image Quotes)
If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. Revelation 14:9,10 (Image Quotes)
I’ve been a skinny girl my whole life. I just don’t sit down - I’m always on the go. It must be down to the genes. We have a healthy body image in my house and great appetites. It’d be hard for you to find a food I don’t love. (Image Quotes)
Sometimes when I’m watching television and something, an image, will come on that has to do with 9/11 or some of these families telling their stories, or children talking about drawing pictures of airplanes flying into towers, you know, I find myself still choking up. (Image Quotes)
[Alfred] Hitchcock was very interested in the image on the screen.As is any good cinema director. That is the language they speak. It is not literature, it is images on screen. (Image Quotes)
I have been wanting to do beauty for years and to pair with an international beauty company. It will solidify the image of Jason Wu as a world. All my shows have a distinctive hair and makeup look. It feels so natural for me; the woman who wears my clothes would have my makeup as part of her beauty regime. (Image Quotes)
I think the resolution involved in the high-def, Blu-ray image demands we pay attention to every detail to a level we’ve never seen before. The audiences have to believe everything they’re seeing. As viewers, we’re all so experienced and so much smarter than we realize. With Blu-ray, there will be less tricking of the eye. (Image Quotes)
I put a lot of effort in creating something fictional, yet very personal, because Shook is a defining part of me and my music: the Shook entity is much like the Batman or Superman comics characters. I like the idea that I can have this image that represents a part of me, but isn’t really me, kind of like an alter ego. (Image Quotes)
There’s no particular class of photograph that I think is any better than any other class. I’m always and forever looking for the image that has spirit! I don’t give a damn how it got made. (Image Quotes)
The American Right has an amazing ability to lionize leaders whose lives are the precise antithesis of the political values that define their image. (Image Quotes)
My public image is so low-key, but I get to travel the world and still have an audience and it’s really amazing. I don’t take that for granted. (Image Quotes)
The image of all the cars leaving pastel-colored people at the same time has never really left me as an anti-ambition for life! (Image Quotes)
Neoconservatism in all its pomp conceived - in the Project for a New American Century - that, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world could be remade in the American image, that the previous bipolar world could be replaced by a unipolar one in which the U.S. was the dominant arbiter of global and regional affairs. (Image Quotes)
For the naysayers that claimed ‘American Family’ revealed us to be vacant, unloving, uncaring morons of the materialistic 70s, this image will be proven wrong when Mom and Dad remarry... Make no mistake. This is not to emphasize the sadness of my demise but rather emphasize the love of my family and friends. (Image Quotes)
Israel’s willingness to cooperate closely with the U.S. in protecting American interests in the region altered her image in the eyes of many officials in Washington. (Image Quotes)
President Obama has created the image of an America under President Bush that routinely violated international law. (Image Quotes)
It’s better not to know authors personally, because the real person never corresponds to the image you form of him from reading his books. (Image Quotes)
I spend my afternoons painting and working on my Open Hearts jewelry line for Kay Jewelers. I designed an image of a heart that isn’t completely closed. My mom always told me to live with an open heart - when life gets tough, you should go out and help someone else. (Image Quotes)
Mainstream animated movies are dumbed-down and sanitised: they make the world in their own image rather than exploring the limitless possibilities that are out there. (Image Quotes)
I don’t write from dreams because I don’t remember mine, but I had a fragment of an image left about twins, whose father was telling them how their lives were going to go for the next eight years. I wrote a scene about that, and then another and then another and then another, and after five months I had 732 pages. (Image Quotes)
Another very strong image from the first day was giving my initial press conference in the morning - going down and finding out that everything I had said, the essence of what I had said, was wrong. (Image Quotes)
I don’t believe in signing anything and everything that comes my way. I leave it to my agency to help narrow them down for me, but I do research it myself before signing. The image of the brand and its ambassadors go hand in hand. (Image Quotes)
To the image of the characters, I do change my appearance. For example, I gain weight and I lose weight sometimes, and I grow my hair and cut it. Acting is all about physical expression, so I need to change my appearance for all the characters. (Image Quotes)