Image Quotes

Text Quotes
I had no real education because I was in and out of schools so I decided that I would completely change my look, change my image, change my name and move to New York. (Image Quotes)
Typecasting is an interesting thing because, in a way, if you’re good at something, you’re going to work at that thing. In other ways, you constantly have to change people’s opinion of you as one thing, especially if you want to play different roles. You have to shatter that image sometimes. (Image Quotes)
I am an American man, and in America, we still think of figure skaters as little girls in pretty, sparkly dresses - I worked very hard to change the perception and image of figure skating, and I think I’ve done a great job on my end, but in figure skating, taste needs to evolve. (Image Quotes)
I don’t care what other people think as long as I am happy. The day I die or retire, I have blown all my chances because I don’t have the chance any more to change my image as an F1 driver. (Image Quotes)
When I started out, it was considered very wrong to change an image. There were scandals if someone inserted a sky into a war picture or something. Now it’s all about that. (Image Quotes)
The image of the unions is still not in tune with where we actually are, which is fifty-fifty men and women, with an increasing number of women at the top. I think it is changing, but I’m not complacent about this. (Image Quotes)
I’m not trying to change an image, I’m just trying to make sure that the facts match the image. The facts are basically that I’m a builder. I have not dissembled any company nor split up any companies, nor do I ever buy any companies with that intent. (Image Quotes)
Obviously I am a photographer and I believe in my medium: I do think that powerful photographs can force change. It doesn’t take long to look and be engaged in a strong image whereas, with a story, you have to actually sit down and pause and be involved in it. (Image Quotes)
There is no need to change my image. I like my image, and the audience likes it, too. I am very comfortable with the kind of roles I do, and as I am not doing the same character or playing myself. I explore my characters; I don’t brood over my broody image. (Image Quotes)
Even the klan revamped their image by losing the hoods and changing their name to the Tea Party (Image Quotes)
Every person has a different view of another person’s image. That’s all perception. The character of a man, the integrity, that’s who you are. (Image Quotes)
We must learn and then teach our children that niceness does not equal goodness. Niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction; it is not a character trait. People seeking to control others almost always present the image of a nice person in the beginning. (Image Quotes)
Monica Besra, a Bengali woman from a remote Indian village, was reportedly suffering from a malignant ovarian tumor when she went, in 1998, to a hospice founded by Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. Nuns at the mission reportedly placed a medallion with Teresa’s image on Besra’s abdomen, and the tumor disappeared. (Image Quotes)
I always had this childhood image in the back of my mind of this fantastic place where all the things I liked came from; Orson Welles, jazz, all that stuff. Los Angeles is one of those places where somebodies become nobodies and nobodies become somebody. (Image Quotes)
I watched children dying. That will be the image that will stay with me (Image Quotes)
In traditional Asian arts, the word and the picture always sit next to each other. I have an aunt, a Chinese brush painter, who told me that when you do a Chinese brush painting, you have to pair the image up with some poetry. (Image Quotes)
I don’t want fame as far as the tweeting or the image of it. But, the idea of being famous is actually exciting to me, just because then you can have a choice in what you do. I would like to be at a point where I’m not asking for parts anymore, and I’m actually just choosing between a part that I want to do. (Image Quotes)
We become like what we focus upon. Fix your eyes upon Christ and be conformed into His image. (Image Quotes)
The often cruel behavior of Christians toward unbelievers and even toward dissenters among themselves is shocking evidence of the function of that image in relation to values and behavior. (Image Quotes)
My worst image of myself is me sitting on a bed, smoking a cigarette, waiting for a phone call and thinking thoughts that don’t join together. (Image Quotes)
When I was young I had a security blanket and a pet dog. The dog got sick and died and the blanket had to be burned, so I guess I was trying to recreate the image of security in the bunny. It was a Citizen Kane/Rosebud thing. (Image Quotes)
I’ve been surprised by Austin. I had a cowboy image of the place. It’s a pretty sophisticated city - in some ways, more sophisticated than Boston. And there’s a lighter feel to the place. It’s very good for my spirits. (Image Quotes)
In the city of Pyongyang, you don’t have to look very far to see an image of the Great Leader, Kim Il Sung. They love the guy. He is responsible for the wonder that is North Korea. (Image Quotes)
Your fellow man is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. (Image Quotes)
You open a section of ‘The New York Times,’ and there’s a review or a story on a choreographer or a dancer, and there’s an informative, clear image of a dancer. This is, in my view, not an interesting photograph. (Image Quotes)
I look for dancers who have all the technique in the world. But they must be dancers who are open-minded, who are willing to forget that they know anything. They also have to be gorgeous; they must have a clear image of themselves and strong personalities. (Image Quotes)
A simile, to be perfect, must both illustrate and ennoble the subject; must show it to the understanding in a clearer view, and display it to the fancy with greater dignity; but either of these qualities may be sufficient to recommend it.... That it may be complete, it is required to exhibit, independently of its references, a pleasing image; for a simile is said to be a short episode. (Image Quotes)
Costume design allows you to do a different type of research and create characters, whereas in fashion, you create an image and clothing for the masses. (Image Quotes)
Our collective memories are welcoming places, and one image, that of Jesus, has absorbed and appropriated elements of other traditions and aspirations in order to shape our communal remembering. (Image Quotes)
All year long Sylvia had been trying to overthrow her guileless, college girl image. She knew cottons with big full skirts and university personalities would have looked hopelessly naive in New York. Sylvia wanted to be hard and urban. (Image Quotes)