Image Quotes

Text Quotes
A sense of humor is important. I’m always attracted to a girl with confidence. In terms of looks, I don’t have a type. I think a lot of girls think that they have to be super-thin, to meet the Hollywood image, but I think a girl who is voluptuous is very beautiful. (Image Quotes)
I believe that my clothes can give people a better image of themselves - that it can increase their feelings of confidence and happiness. (Image Quotes)
God and His Son are glorified personages. God the Father is our living Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and Redeemer. We have been created in God’s image. (Image Quotes)
God intended Earth. God intended the waters. God intended you and me. We were created in the image and the likeness of God; we are holograms, if you will. So the power, the presence, the energy is within you and me. The energy of God, as life, is within each of us. (Image Quotes)
Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but thee who destroys a good book, kills reason its self. (Image Quotes)
The opposite of faith is not doubt: It is certainty. It is madness. You can tell you have created God in your own image when it turns out that he or she hates all the same people you do. (Image Quotes)
Our immortal souls, while righteous, are by God himself beautified with the title of his own image and similitude. (Image Quotes)
Humanity was created in the image of God; our love is a reflection of his (Image Quotes)
In abortion they are trying to destroy the last bastion of the image of God (Image Quotes)
To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity. Selflessness is my true self. Love is my true character. Love is my name. (Image Quotes)
You can’t worship the image or the Crucifix itself. You have to worship God. (Image Quotes)
Even guilty people deserve to be treated as those made in the image of God (Image Quotes)
Man was made in God`s image. Do you really think God has red hair and glasses? (Image Quotes)
Everyone has a spark of divinity inside them. After all, we were created in the image of God. (Image Quotes)
Sanctification is the real change in man from the sordidness of sin to the purity of God’s image. (Image Quotes)
God said, Let us make man in our image. Man said, ‘Let us make God in our image. (Image Quotes)
God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs. (Image Quotes)
If we are indeed created in God’s image, then we, too, must create and then we, too, must rest (Image Quotes)
If we were able to see God’s image in our neighbor, do you think weapons and generals would be needed? (Image Quotes)
Since all people are in the image of God, all deserve to be treated with the dignity the image affords. (Image Quotes)
You do have a Dream. It’s part of what it means to be human, created in the image of God. (Image Quotes)
When I was six, God was a white man with a big beard riding on a white cloud. That’s the image television pumps. (Image Quotes)
Jesus is much more concerned about shaking your foundations, giving you an utterly alternative self image, world image, and God image, and thus reframing your entire reality. Mere inspiration can never do this. (Image Quotes)
God truly is our Father, the Father of the spirits of all mankind. We are his literal offspring and are formed in his image. We have inherited divine characteristics from him. (Image Quotes)
Corresponding to the image of a monotheistic God is monogamous marriage. Marriage based on exclusive and definitive love becomes the icon of the relationship between God and his people and vice versa. (Image Quotes)
All men bear the image of God. They have value not because they are redeemed, but because they are God’s creation in God’s image. (Image Quotes)
The Christian image of God is that of a rational being who believes in human progress, more fully revealing himself as humans gain the capacity to better understand. (Image Quotes)
Every person is created in the image of God and has value. Every person. Every person is to be treated with respect. Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities; in every other country, they are a guest. (Image Quotes)
God created us in His image, and He gave us an imagination with His imprint to create things for His glory! (Image Quotes)
The gospel moves us to see others as people created in God’s image and that can have a profound impact on people’s productivity and work satisfaction. (Image Quotes)